"I need him alive; I am the one who's going to kill him." I said as fury filled in my eyes. I would have rather not left jasmine here so requested him to go. He nodded in response and I was looking at Jasmine. I felt myself debilitated. I was still mourning and got hit by something hard on my head, my vision got obscured yet could see Mark, father of Jasmine.

"Mr. Mark?" I said recognizing him.

"You fucking bastard, you murdered my daughter." I heard him and got one more hit on my head. I was already in pain and fell oblivious.

I woke up in my bed, and shouted Jasmine's name, as I recalled memories of Jasmine dying and Mark hitting me. I took a look at my hands assuming that they were in blood, fortunately they weren't, I looked around trying to remember everything. All of that looked so real like jasmine had really died. I took a sigh of relief and thanked god that it was only a dream, I stood up from my bed and went to take a shower. The second I saw myself in the mirror and was stunned. My head was wrapped with bandages and I understood that it was real. Fear rushed in my veins and I ran looking for Cole. I shouted his name until he showed up before me.

"Where is Jasmine?" I said as I wanted to see her badly.

"Sir, she... ..." He gave a long pause and I understood that everything had happened for real and it wasn't just a mere dream.

"Where is Jasmine?" I said tightly gripping his collar as I was angry as hell.

"Sir, the Stake's left you oblivious in the woods and took her with them, they buried her in the cemetery yesterday." He said and my mind went blank.

"Yesterday?" I said as I didn't have any idea when the incident actually happened.

"You've been unconscious for more than one day, we tried to wake you up as it was Ms. jasmine's funeral but we failed to do so. You weren't listening to us as that bastard had hit you extremely hard." Cole said and I got furious than before. I didn't have any idea what to do however could see myself going off the deep end, loosing every ounce of my sanity

"You should've shot me on the off chance that I was not awakening. My life partner was killed and I wasn't there, she was buried and I wasn't there. Here I am dealing with you, pack of butt holes." I said shouting at Cole.

"Sir, we have...." He said yet I didn't allow him to finish his sentence.

"Bring my car to me, I will go to the Stake's, how could they do this me. I didn't get the chance to see her one last time." I spoke.

"Sir, I'm afraid I can't let you go." Cole said trying to stop me.

"Just fucking bring my car or else I'll shoot you right here." I said in search of my gun.

"Sir, I have to stop you, if I'm in your way you can shoot me but I won't let you go as long as I'm alive." He said determined as fuck.

"I......... get aside for fucks sake, I will shoot you." I said as I found my gun and pointed it at him. He didn't move an inch but walked towards me.

"Their men are trying to attack you already, I can't, I'm sorry." Cole said, again taking one more step in my direction.

"Cole, it's an order." I said as I touched the gun's trigger.

He looked me in the eyes, I pressed the trigger and the bullet hit the wall behind him. I tried my best to change its angle at the last moment, because I didn't want to kill my bodyguard. He took the gun from my hands as I fell on the ground because I knew he won't let me go. I sat joining my hands and knees in pain and cried out loud in anger. Tears are the sign of vulnerability and helplessness so I didn't let my tears fall down at that moment, but my eyes got red and my heartbeat got fast causing me difficulty in breathing. He came and patted on my back to calm me down and quickly brought some water for me.

"I'm so sorry to let you down, but I can't let you go." He said passing the water to me.

"What has she ever done to anybody? How am I going to live without her?" I said as I realized that she won't come back ever and I have nobody left. Cole was silent but continued caressing my back. I was calm after some time but was sad and drank beer, loads of it. Cole was there with me for some time but got up knowing that I want some time to be alone. I saw her photos on my phone while drinking and cried remembering our moments. I drank non-stop until I realized I had emptied two bottles of liquor. I tried to drink another glass but I nodded off and the alcohol spilled all over me.

The next morning, I woke up with my head spinning in every direction possible, I looked around and saw alcohol all over me. I stood up and walked with whatever energy I had and called for Cole. He came inside as if was waiting just for me.

"Call someone to clean this shit." I said as I entered in the bathroom to clean myself up.

I was in the bathroom, trying to hold myself together as I was losing every ounce of sanity, I had left inside of me. I lied in the bathtub for an hour or something and then heard Cole knocking on the door.

"Sir, are you there?" He said checking if I was alright or not.

"Fuck off Cole, I'm not in the mood." I said as I wanted to be alone.

"This is important sir." He said disturbing me again.

"Not more than Jasmine." I shouted.

"Sir, we've kidnapped Jordan, he is tied in the room for two days now." He said and I turned my eyes in shocked as I had totally forgotten about him.

"And you are telling me this, now?" I said getting out of the tub and covered myself with clothes.

"I couldn't tell you yesterday because...." He said and I interrupted.

"Don't fucking give reasons for your mistakes or else you will die for good now." I said taking my gun from the drawer.

"We haven't given him food or water; he is on the verge of dying from dehydration." He spoke.

"This won't help, I'll kill this bastard myself." I said rushing towards the room he is tied in.

"Sir, can I suggest something?" He spoke.

"No, of course not. I think you remaining before me is my benevolence, so better zip your mouth up." I said as I was disappointed by him.

"Sir......." He said and I interrupted him again.

"No!" I said not letting him speak.

"We shouldn't kill him right away; he needs to suffer twice as much as Ms. Jasmine suffered." He said quickly so that I couldn't interrupt him. I stopped as he completed his sentence.

"Huh! You recovered quickly from that mental illness of yours." I said as I liked his idea and thought that he was out of his senses these past few days.

"Sir, is that an insult?" He said asking me if I was making fun of him or actually praising him.

"Maybe, good idea though. I want to give him the most painful death anyone's ever got." I said as I really liked Cole's idea.

I went into the room, and saw the poor creature, lying on the floor. I was so frustrated and wanted to ask him the purpose for killing my Jasmine. I hit him seriously until I was depleted out of energy. As I was going to kick him, my dad had called for me, I had to go and ordered Cole to give him some food, so he recuperates and I can torture him worse than I did today.

"You must be cautious from here on out, the Stakes can attack us anytime." My dad said smoking cigarette.

"I don't care about them anymore; I will kill them all." I said, as I resented everyone, I had the will to burn everything and everyone to blow the fire growing within me.

"In any case, we can't allow those mongrels to go after us first, remember that." He said in a demanding voice.

We both sat and talked about our business together. I was not keen on doing as such as I was missing Jasmine but my dad didn't let me and tried to keep me occupied with stuff. I looked at my watch and saw the time, it was 8 PM and I asked permission from him and left at last.

"Simply be cautious child, it will be alright after sometime." He tried to ease the environment and I left.

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