Chapter 1

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Porsche was devastated, how can he love someone so much but his lover couldn't even trust him?
Kinn trusted what Tawan said and he put Porsche, the Porsche he knew loved him, behind the bars...
How can he do that? How can he NOT trust his Porsche?
Porsche was thinking about these stuff when he heard someone coming down to where he was.

I knew you would come to save me-

Porsche, please run away with me...

It was not Kinn like he thought it was, it was Vegas, the Vegas he felt sorry for because he knew he had feelings for him, the feelings he couldn't return.

No, if I come with you then I'm confirming that I AM a traitor and I'm not.

But Porsche if you stay here then they'll put all the blames on you and will kill you. Please come with me. When everything gets better then we'll come back, they will pull me into all this too and I'm sure of it so please let's go together.

Porsche thought about everything Vegas told him and he was heartbroken because of what Kinn did so he decided to do what Vegas said.
Vegas got him out of the cell and when they were about to get out of there Pete found them.
Pete was holding his gun towards them and with only one blink Porsche knew that this Pete was completely different than the sweet and funny Pete Porsche was familiar with.

Don't force me to do something I don't want to. Go back to your cell Porsche and you Khun Vegas, please go back home and let us solve this matter among ourselves.

Pete, let me go. I want to find the proofs for my innocence.

By doing this you will only make everything worse.

Porsche what do YOU want to do? I will do whatever you decide.Vegas said emphasising YOU in his words so Porsche could know it was about what he wanted not what others thought.

Porsche took sometime and then said: Pete, if I stay, he will make everyone believe that I'm a traitor and I can't let that happen...please let me go, I promise I-

Let you go where Porsche?

Suddenly Kinn was standing right behind Pete and looking at Porsche while he asked him that question. He had his gun with him and that broke Porsche's heart more.

Where did you want to go Porsche, and why is HE here with you?

Kinn asked the latter question looking at Vegas like he wanted to kill him.

Kinn (sighhhh)...Let us go so I can prove to yo-

Us? Us Porsche? Since when are You and Him US???!!!

Kinn please! it's not like that and that's not even important right now!

Then what's important Porsche?...What do you think is worse Porsche,You wanting to get away from me or you wanting to run away with HIM???

Stop it Kinn!, I didnt want to get away from you, I just have to get out of here so I can pove that I am not a traitor, and I have to prove my innocence especially to YOU!

Kinn was silent for a moment after hearing that but he couldn't think straight cuz he was very jealous and angry.

You are not going anywhere Porsche and especially not with Him.

So you want me to accept that I am a traitor and then get killed...maybe by you?


Kinn shouted out his name like a maniac and that's when Vegas thought was a good time to interfere. He came in front of Porsche like he was trying to protect him.

Stop it Kinn, I and you, we both know that Porsche is not a traitor. And I thought you had a good relationship with Porsche but I guess I was wrong. I don't know why you are doing this but I won't let you harm Porsche, I'll protec-

Kinn punched Vegas in the face. He was very angry at him. How dare Vegas provoke him like this? Kinn knows what Vegas was doing, he was trying to look good in front of Porsche and make Kinn look bad. But Kinn won't let him, not today, he will not care about Vegas being the heir to the second family today and he will beat the shit out of him. But he didn't know that what Vegas said here made Porsche trust him more than Kinn and Porsche was already disappointed with Kinn so it was easy for Vegas to find a place for himself in Porsche's already broken heart.
Porsche had enough of Kinn beating Vegas so he tried to stop Kinn from doing so but while doing that Kinn punched him unknowingly and till Kinn got to know what he did, it was too late.

Porsche, I'm sorry I- I...

Porsche was bleeding from his mouth a little and although he was angry he was sad too.

Kinn please stop it, let him go and I'll go back to my cell and wait for whatever decision you and Khun Korn make but let him go for now, he doesn't have anything to do with this. Please just... please.

You are -... you are begging me this much but not for yourself, for him???

Kinn could not believe it. The Porsche who is always so stubborn and never begs someone for anything, was begging Kinn and he was doing so for Vegas, for fucking Vegas!!!
Kinn was now furious and mad, so mad that he didn't know what he was doing anymore. He could never know that what he was doing here will only result in him regretting it a lot later.

He was beating Porsche while insulting him.

How dare you Porsche?, how dare you defend him and beg ME like this for letting HIM go?

He was punching Porsche again and again while asking him these questions. And Porsche was already laying on the ground and Kinn hovering above him.

You Porsche, YOU can't do this to me (punch), you also went to him at the end huh? (kick),
What? Did you also gave yourself to him like all the others? (slap) You can't Porsche, YOU CAN'T!

Porsche didn't react, he was too tired because of his brokenheart that he didn't care about his inured body anymore.

Kinn stop it, Vegas tried to interfere. Although his Plan was going smoothly, he couldn't let Kinn kill Porsche now, it was too early for that. Kinn has to suffer more.

You will kill him like this! Kinn! Vegas was trying to take Kinn off of Porsche and at all this time Pete didn't know what to do, he was very confused. He was sure Porsche was innocent but should he go against their boss and save Porsche or let them handle each other? He was in this dilemma when heard a gunshot.

Hello loves, Here is another KinnPorsce story which takes place after the beginning of EP10 where Porsche and Vegas run away but as you can read it won't go as like in the series 😉.
Of course it will involve sensitive themes so be aware. Second chapter will be coming soon. Hope you love this story too.

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