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I'm not sure the exact moment when it happened. We've been friends for so long and it feels natural being around him, I soon realized I wanted us to be more than that. Maybe it's the way he brightens the mood just by entering the room. Or that his presence alone draws you near him. There's just something about him that makes me want to say: I love you, Ryder Bentley.

He's so easy going and laid back, but it's when he focuses on someone that his light really shines. That elusive spotlight of attention was a tale-tale sign that you were important to him. The only problem is that he shines that light on a lot of girls. The current girl who gets to bask in his light is Alison Moore. Who just happens to be my best friend.

Me? He's never once attempted to shine his light on me, but I am hoping that one day that will change.

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