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"You still talkin' to that Curtis boy?" My dad asked as we ate dinner. I had never really forgave him for striking me the night Soda gave me up, but he would have to live with the guilt and I would have to live with the scar on my cheek. Win win.

"I ain't talking to him, were just friends." I said, eating the eggs and ketchup he made. He didn't really feel like cooking tonight, and well, I didn't want to go out. So he took the easy decision and made something we both liked.

After I had washed and dried my dishes, I went to my room and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth like I do every night. It just felt weird tonight, like a dumbass tornado was gonna happen or something.

Oh, much. Much worse.

There was a knock on the door when I got up for a glass of water, so naturally my dad answered it. And there stood the devil herself. Brown hair, dark eyes, pale skin, rich looking clothes, everything the devil in my eyes is. What made it worse was Satan's messenger was right beside her.

"Monica?" My dad asked. That made me spin around faster than ever. "What are you doing here?" he let her into the house. I just slammed my glass on the table, almost breaking it. Vivian glared at me for that, but I dont really give a damn. They can go back to that rich doctor for all I care.

"Yeah, what the hell are you doing here?" I raised my voice a bit. "Sweetie-" I cut her off. "Do not fucking sweetie me you whore." I told her. She gave me a look of disappointment. "I want to come back," she said quietly. "Why? Did youre doctor run out of money?" I asked a little sarcastically. I could see the hurt in her eyes, but she never got to see the hurt in mine.

"Madeline, please dont talk to your mother like that." My dad whispered. "I will talk to this woman however I damn please." I raised my voice at my father. "You think you can come back and everything will go back to normal? Are we just supposed to forget that you got up and left us back home? Are we supposed to forget the lying you did, the cheating you did, the shit you put us though?" I asked her, only it wasnt really a question.

"You know what?" I asked, dramatically shrugging my shoulders. "Fuck you, Monica." I walked to me room and grabbed a couple pairs of jeans, two shirts and slid my boots on, along with my leather jacket. I shoved the folded clothes into a bag and walked back out to the kitchen where they were talking. I made sure to shoulder check both of them as I walked out the door, not having a single regret. Maverick followed me out.

Walking to the Curtis house, I began to feel guilty. What if theyre going through shit too? Whatever. The worse they will do it politely tell me it aint a good idea. And my mom. What the fuck. My mom? Really? She just shows up out of the fucking blue?

I knocked on the Curtis household door, my breath becoming shaky and anxiety coming over me for whatever reason. "Hey Maddy," Soda answered the door, a look of worry coming over his face immediately. "Are you okay? What happened?" he asked, stepping outside. I swear my tears fell so fast, not even a race car could beat them.

He pulled me in for a hug and I basically sobbed into his shoulder. "She's back." I told him. He just held me closer to him and rubbed my back. "Who's back, hun?" he asked. I didn't really answer him, I just held him tighter and let tears fall on his shirt. Mav just sat beside Soda, advising the entire thing.

"Can I stay here?" I asked a few moments later. "Yeah, of course you can. Darry's still up." he told me. I pull back from him and used his flannel to wipe my tears off. He kinda laughed at my actions. "Oh come on Soda, your shirt needs to be cleaned anyway." then we walked inside.

"Hey Darry, would I be alright if Madeline stayed a couple nights?" Soda asked. "Its alright if I cant, I just got a lot going on-" he cut me off. "Yeah, stay as long as you need." he sent me a small grin. "Thank you Darry," I told him. He put a hand on my shoulder "anytime kid," then walked off to his room. Probably done for the day.

Maverick jumped on the couch and looked up at Soda and I with tired eyes. "You wanna tell me whats going on?" he leaned against Darry's chair and I sat on the couch, Mav immediately putting his head on my lap. I love this dog so fucking much.

"My mom," I said quietly. "And my sister I guess." I mumbled, stroking his fur. "The one that wasn't any fun?" Soda attempted to lighten the mood. I laughed a bit. "Yeah. that one." I replied. "They just walked through the door an hour ago, wanting to come back." I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows as if he didn't understand the simple phrase.

"Aint that good? Have you mom back?" he asked. I shook my head. "She ran off with a doctor, she left us with nothing. We practically had to start over, not to mention my dad wanted to blow his head off." I said, leaning against the couch. "Im sorry." he told me. I just nodded in response, not knowing what else to say.

"Sorry for just showing up like this," the tears came back to my eyes quickly. "I-i just didn't know where else to go." I said. He sat by me, pulling me into his embrace, along with Maverick of course. You couldn't give me attention and not Mav.

"This dog really loves you," he put him as he put his arms around me. "I really love my dog." I looked at his white and copper face, his chocolate brown eyes, I just love him. He kinda reminds me of Soda. the eyes of course, they were both sweet.

"Ill get you a blanket." he told me. I was practically half asleep on his chest, so I just laid down and Maverick got beside me. There wasn't really much room on the couch, so he would have to deal with my arm around him. Maverick insisted on sleeping with me, such a weird thing for a dog.

"Sweet dreams blondie." Soda messed up my hair and walked to his room. "Thank you, Soda." I told him. He flashed that fucking movie star smile at me. "Anything for Mavy!" he messed with my dog once more and went to his room to sleep.

TACENDA // Sodapop CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now