I look at myself through the mirror,with a deep sigh. Is this really me? I chuckled at my silly question, before putting my hair into a messy bun.

I push open strojek room door and it was as messy as always,and he still haven't started packing. I look at the time on my watch and he should be back any moment from now.

My phone rings and I bring it out from my jeans pocket,I grinned seeing the caller.

"To what do I deserve to get a call from you, Ms Freeman?"

She giggled "Oh shut it Nadia. When are you getting your ass to Nevada?it has been two years already!I fucking miss you"

I sighed sitting down on strojek bed "Worry not Skylar,in three days you will see me. I have to finalize a lot of things, you know with my restaurant"

"Yeah, you need to get a life though. You have dedicated so many years to that little rascal and your restaurant, don't you think it's time to settle down?"

"Just because you are married doesn't mean I am ready to take that step yet or even get into a relationship"

"You are 30!" She exclaims.

"29,30 in a week" I corrected.

She laughs "When you get here, I am going to set you up in a blind date"

"No way!!!"

"You know me Nadia, and they is no way you are going to back out from this"

I sighed "Fine, I need to get started with dinner. I will ring you up later"

"Sure,say hi to strojek for me"

"Will do" I said hanging up.

I grab his laundry basket and shove his dirty clothes in it, before taking it into the laundry room and loading it into the washing machine.

Dinner was almost ready when I heard the front door shut, followed by angry grunts.

"In the kitchen!!!" I yelled.

He doesn't respond and I sighed knowing something was up with him. When the food was ready, I go up to his room knocking on his door lightly.

"Go away"

I rolled my eyes "Open up kiddo, we need to talk"

I heard shuffling around the room before the door opens and he goes back to his bed, and sat. I sighed before sitting down beside him on the bed.

"Talk to me" I spoke softly.

"What do you want me to say?" He responded gruffly.

"Yell at me strojek,I know you are pissed off at my decision. But this is the right thing to do"

He scoffs "Right thing? how does moving to Nevada the right thing to do?I broke up with Maja because of you!!! because of your stupid decisions to move out of Poland, our home town. What do you expect from me?"

"I am doing this for you"

"Stop saying that, it's pissing me off!!"

I take a hold of his hand "Mom died giving birth to you,I was only twelve when I was forced to become a mom to you. Father passed away when I was only eighteen,do you know how hard it was for me to take care of you when you were only six?I sacrificed so many things just to be a good sister to you. All the decisions I have made since you were born are all for you. Moving to Nevada is the best and I hope one day you will understand my choice"

He looks at me with guilt filled eyes"I am sorry"

I shake my head "Don't be. Now get your ass up for dinner and after dinner You are going to get started with packing. Got it?"

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