Baby Daddy

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P.O.V. Shawn
Zoey been getting mad at me for no reason. Well I don't worry about it, it's just hormones are just acting up.

P.O.V. Zoey
I'm 3 months pregnant and I been getting mad at Shawn for being lazy and not doing anything. God it's like he doesn't care. Well anyways I am going to my 20 weeks scan and we are going to know the gender of our baby.
Shawn wants a baby girl but I want a baby boy.

P.O.V. Shawn
So we both are on our way to her 20 weeks scan. I really hope it's a baby girl. Zoey told me if it's a girl I can name her and if it's a boy she will name it. we had a deal. The car stopped and we got out.

P.O.V. Zoey
We got out the vehicle stopped and we checked in doctors. The doctors took us in right away. I walk in the room and layed down. Me and Shawn were holding hands hoping the gender we want. They put this gel on my bump and they hold the device and swirled around and it was...... BABYGIRL!
Shawn wins. I asked what he was going to name it.

P.O.V. Shawn
Yes! It was Girl! I was thinking a lot about to name her. I want to name her " Adeline ". Zoey loved the name. We both headed to the place where register her name. Cameron called and said " the dress!". I freak out and tell Zoey.
Zoey told me she doesn't know if the dress will fit.

P.O.V. Zoey
Adeline? Ummm..... I love that name.
I am very scared to try on the dress.
I go to the dress store and I try on the wedding dress I put on hold.
I pull the dress up and the people that worked there zip up my dress......
I fit the dress but the baby bump was showing. oh well! I'm proud mom.
Cameron told me that I was glowing.
I bought the dress and Holy crap! It was 4,0000 dollars but it was worth it.
Shawn: So? Did it fit.
Zoey: yessss! It did!
Shawn picked Zoey up and said we need to celebrate".
So he brought her to a place called red lobster.

P.O.V. Shawn
After dinner we went outside..... Zoey puked out of nowhere. I went to her and pulled her hair back. When she was done, I asked her if she okay. She told me that she feels dizzy. I told her we are going to the tour bus and she has to rest. when we got to the tour bus ...... Zoey puked again. I walk her on the bus and to the back of the bus.
I take her coat, shoes off and tell her to lay down and relax. I went to go get Extra pillowand get cold glass of water. I put the pillow on her side of her belly and started talking to my baby girl.
In three months my baby is going to be born and also I'm going to get married to my love of my life. She slowly fells asleep and I call the doctor and asked if any of there symptoms are part of being pregnant. The doctors said it was normal. I lay with her and I hug her tightly. I smell her hair and slowly I sleep.
My was phone ringing. I didn't want to wake her up so I answered it.
Shawn: Hello?
Oh god it was her mom.
Mom: Hi Shawn! Is Zoey there?
Shawn: yeah. But she's sleeping.
Mom: oh. okay. I want to talk about Zoey then.
Shawn: okay
Mom: did you see in the magazine I saw today!
Shawn: what magazine?
Mom: her puking. On the front cover says " Is Zoey Pregnant?".
Shawn: What the?
Mom: Is my daughter pregnant?
I take a deep breathe and look down.
Shawn: Yes.
Mom: OMFG! She's young you know!
Shawn: well it didn't happen on purpose.
Mom: Just please tell me why you both didn't tell me.(cries)
Shawn: We wanted to announce it in three months at my show.
Mom: Okay. Are you going to be there for the baby?
Shawn: yes. I am and it's a baby girl.
Her mom started crying.
Mom: it's a girl. Do you have a name for her.
Shawn: yes.
Mom: what are you going to name her?
Shawn: I really do want to tell you but I think Zoey would like to tell you. Do you want me to wake her up for you?
Mom: yes. Please.
Shawn wakes up Zoey and says " it's your mom".
Zoey: hello?
Mom: I heard that your pregnant.
Zoey: how do you know?
Mom: Shawn. Because I read you in a magazine and you were in the front cover puking. but anyways what are you calling your baby girl?
Zoey: Adeline Rose Mendes
Mom: Awe! That's cute.
Zoey: Mommy?
Mom: yes.
Zoey: I need to get to sleep.
Mom: okay sweety.

I look at Shawn and told him that my mom found out by a magazine. He knows.
I check my Twitter and Instagram and people were asking me if I was pregnant. Many girls was cursing Shawn and Shawn told me he has a show coming up and he thinks we should announce that I am pregnant in three months.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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