Morning scare

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POV Zoey
When I woke up I saw a birthday card and Shawn wrote...
TO: My Love
I want to wish you a Happy 18th Birthday today. All day there are going to be surprises. I guess you saw the trail of rose petals on the floor. I want you to get dress and dress fancy. Then follow the trail of petals to see your first surprise of the day.

Shawn XOXO

Awe! That's so sweet of him to do that. So I got dressed and I was wearing my beautiful dress that I got the other day.
I followed the trail of rose petals... Until it stop at his tour bus. I got on the bus and it drove me to this mysterious building. The driver took me to the back doors and I was sort of terrified.
As soon as I walked into the room they told me to put this blind fold on. I did and they walked me to another room that I thought it was. Someone unblind me and it was a dark room and nobody was.......
The lights turn on and everybody said Happy Birthday. I scream and I ran to the door and started laughing so hard. then the next thing you know that Shawn came behind me and pull me so I wouldn't see him. I look behind me and it was Shawn. I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice I was crying.
Shawn asked me if I was okay. I couldn't even speak. He start laughing.
I can't believe that I was on TV.
About 15mins after the surprise I got.
I walked into the bathroom and Ellen Scared the crap out of me. I literally scream and I can't believe everything was caught on tape. I sat down on the couch and I layed on Shawn. I was shaking and Ellen ask, "What's wrong" with a giggle. I told her what happen when I woke up and following the rose petals to Shawn's tour bus to be blind folded to Very very Big Morning Scare.
Shawn even ask me if I ate. I replied "No".
Shawn yelled: No!
I looked at him in a friendly way.
Shawn ask " why didn't you eat? "
Zoey: " I was too excited what was my first surprise was." Shawn came over and said " After this we will go get something for you to eat".
Ellen: yup! That's true love birds!
Me and Shawn forgot that we were both on TV. Me and Shawn laughed it off.
Zoey asked Shawn why he choose to scare me in the morning she laughed.
Shawn: Ummm.... Because it would be so awesome to see your reaction to my Big Morning Scares.
I whispered in Shawn's ear, " I feel like to faint right now".
Shawn looks at me and says " Are feeling okay".
I said " I don't know". I pretend to faint on Ellen show. Ellen played along with it. then the guy from Doctors program came in with a stretcher and he picked me up and put me on the stretcher ( hospital beds with wheels.)
Since Ellen already knew I was pranking Shawn. Shawn was freaking out and panicking. Ambulance guys came in to fake it with us. I told them to poke an IV (just water) in to make it look real.
The ambulance guy told Shawn that I was in critical condition. Shawn panicked even more. Shawn came up to my face so close to give me a kiss. I opened my mouth and scream. Shawn yelled even louder. I yelled again and Shawn yelled again and again. I could stop laughing, laughing and laughing. I laughed so hard that I fell off the stretcher and that's when I hurt my left elbow. Shawn came and asked if I was okay. I had bad pain through my arm. Luckily that the ambulance people was there. They told me to move it, and I tired and guess what? I sprain my left elbow. So I took ride in the ambulance I was lying on Shawn on the stretcher and they said it was a 2 hour drive to the hospital. I tried relax but my arm was getting worser and I started crying and Shawn gave me his flannel to layed my head on.

P.O.V Shawn
On the way to the hospital. Zoey was hooked up to this weird numbing medicine that cause crazy reactions.
About little way away from the hospital.. Zoey started crying. I asked her whats the matter? I started to stroke through her hair. There was no respond. I wish that I knew what she was crying about. We arrived at the hospital and she was crying all the way through. The doctors said it will ware off in 15-30mins and take her home. She had this stingy wrap around her arm. Well my manager picked us up and Zoey was crying . I hold her to my side and she eventually fell asleep.When we arrived at our tour bus. I carried my love in and put her on my bed. I went to go get Zoey something to eat. When I got back she was still sleeping. I put down the food and woke her up. Zoey gave me a big hug and kiss and she thank me.
I told her that food is waiting for her. We ate and it was delicious.
Zoey has more surprises coming today.

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