There is still not much I know about Nicolai Stone. Actually, I know nothing of him, only how grumpy he can get.

But that therapist, Riverton, may be on to something.

The girl seems to be flabbergasted, "is this a joke?"

Shaking my head, "my life depends on it. So please." I beg.

She looks at me for a moment then her eyes widen, "so the Mafia exists?" She asks with a voice of elation. Hmm odd one.

I nod.

"And this is going to put even my life at risk?"

Tentatively I nod.

"And your life depends on me now?" She clarify.

Okay. "Yes." I think her brain is having trouble grasping it, "if it's clarification you need then peek out that door and you'll see whom I am talking about."

"I-I believe you. It's just I've read books about Mafia stuff and I'm sorry. I'm just cut off guard." She blushes, "is it really like the app books people read?"

We need to hurry, "yes...almost."

She nods with a smile, "then let's get you what you need." She opens her laptop on the counter and turns it on. Putting a pass code in,"my names Samantha by the way."

Samantha puts on a search bar, her fingers hovering over the keyboard, waiting.

So I tell her to find the obituary for Chicago area. Giving her a year of when I was seven and of the man's name. "There are at least twenty Devons here..." She tells me.

"Find one with Italian heritage. "

"Ah okay. There is one. It says Devon Maritto. Age 18. From Italy. It says he was shot in the head and found at a near by street of Hallotin Ave. The police report wrote it is a gang related incident."



It was cold blooded murder with a witness of a seven year old eyes. Mine.

My father had lied to me. All of them.

My nightmares were true. Papa could have easily paid off some people to cover it up as such. He does in fact pay cricked cops to do his bidding.

It's all true, it happened. And they told me otherwise.

He killed Edgar Weenie my rabbit.

"There is something else..." Samantha trails off clicking a green tree button that popped up.

"It's probably just a stupid ad." I grumble.

When she clicks on it my world spins off axel.

It's shows a tree line of his ancestors and branching into Devons name and then to another's beside him. It has my birth date and that it's a female.

But what really had my world fall down was the name. For some reason, I try to push away the coincidence.

Sienna Maritto age 20.


It can't be.

But I know it wasn't a lie.

And I'm basically a dead one if Nico finds out I am not blood related to the Galeons. Because blood is blood and they wouldn't have given me anything to do with Edmonds business.

Or marry me off.

It all makes sense now.

Samantha looks over to me with pity, "I thought you said your last name was Galeon?"

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