Chapter 1: Saving a Con Woman

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You have just finished completing yet another bounty for the road. Shortly after claiming the money, you received a message that a woman is currently held by criminals and needs to be brought back to her family. Hearing this, you flew out to the exact planet they were stationed on. After a pretty quick gunfight (you still had some bruises tho), you found the woman and escorted her back onto her ship and proceeded to fly the ship back to her home planet.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm taking you back to your home planet to your family."

"But the loan sharks!" she exclaimed.

"Excuse me???"

"Loan sharks! They tricked me into taking the job! Now I'm in debt thanks to them!" she answered.

In response to that, you took her to the warehouse where the loan sharks reside. You secretly place explosives above the entrance, knowing full well they will fall for it.

Once you and the woman entered, the two of you heard the door shut behind your backs. Your helmet revealed that these men are, in fact, loan sharks, who captured the girl for an even greater bounty than hers.

Henchman: "Good work on retrieving the girl. Unfortunately, we will not be paying you."

They all aimed at you with their guns.

"Oh, but I knew all along," you responded smugly.


You then triggered the explosives all at once. During this, you shot down all of the henchmen and captured the loan sharks. You then freed the girl when all was said and done.

"Do you have anyone you can go to?" you asked.

"No. I'm all on my own," she answered.

Following this, you turned in all of the criminals and collect 50 million Woolongs for your efforts. You decided to take a rest on your ship and saw the woman on your couch.

"What is your name?" you asked.

"My name is Faye Valentine. Mind if I tag along with you? I have nowhere else to go."

"I suppose so."

You prepared to take off in search for more money.

"Things are going to be a lot more difficult from now on, aren't they?" you asked yourself.

A Cowboy, His Cowgirl, and Several Bounty Heads (Faye Valentine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now