I looked up, patting his hand which was on my shoulder,"I know—We'll talk about it later, just...not right now"my voice slipped into a whisper.

Kai turned to glance at Harumi who now had a pained expression on her face. My chest tightened. Kai looked back at me in a grim face, his expression unreadable.

"Are we all ready to start the lesson?", Master Wu says, making all of us stand upright.

"Yes Master,"We replied, and he smiled in approval.

"Very well", he said,"then let us commence with the training session."

"What are we doing today, Sensei?", Zane asked curiously.

Master Wu chuckled,"We are going to be doing a rather—familiar training today—but with a little changes.

" But what's the surprise, then?", Nya asked curiously.

Master Wu inclined his head, a smirk forming on his lips, and turned his head towards Harumi, who was leaning beside the pillar, trying not to attract any attention towards her, but it hardly worked—she looked...amazing.

Regardless of us being mad at each other many times before, I never seemed to get it out of my head how beautiful she looked; evil or not—she always looked radiant. I just ignored those thoughts whenever I was in battle with her, but now...

It felt hard to avoid it—especially since she was good now. But this time, I was the liar. I let her down—and I don't blame her for being mad at me about it.

I wish I could just hug her right now.

I watched her as she made her way next to Master Wu, her hair swishing from side to side from the blowing wind, her eyes only slightly closed. She took a deep breath, and faced us.

She caught my eye, and our eyes locked for what seemed a long time, but she broke contact, looking down at the floor. Nya looked at me, her eyes questioning, but I pretended like nothing happened.

"To prove whether you can still be a team,"Master Wu continued," Let us see whether you can—face your former enemy."

Our eyes widened. This was unexpected.

"F-fight her?", I asked uncertainty,"But—"

"We can't fight her!", Jay protested,"She's...well...our friend."

Harumi smiled at Jay and he smiled back kindly. To my surprise, I felt an unexpected twist of envy inside of me.

"Is she now?", Master Wu said in a mildly taunting voice,"Or is it because...you are afraid to face someone much stronger than you?"

The others looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"Pffft", Cole said.

"Yeah, real funny Master", Kai laughed.

Harumi raised her eyebrow.

I didn't react, because I knew her fighting skills better than anyone. She was, by far, the most remarkable fighter I've ever faced. She would even out win me—but not if I could help it.

"Then,"Master Wu said smugly,"Let us begin:one to one—hmm?"

The others had determined looks on their faces, and Nya flexed, charging her hands with swirls of water playfully.

"Oh", Master Wu said,"Nya--Lloyd--no powers, or spinjitzu."

Nya groaned.  I sighed, half-expecting this to happen--Now this was going to be especially hard.

"Kai, since you look ready, I think you should start first", Master Wu said simply, gripping his teapot and sitting down on the steps.

Kai's eyes widened, but, being the idiot instead of running away, he cracked his knuckles, smirking. He pulled out his katanas, and Master Wu tossed a sword towards Harumi, who caught it deftly.

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