Touya huffed, "She got mad at me when I told her about my hero training."

Which is unfair. I'm going to be a great hero, she should be thanking me.

Rei sighed, "Touya, that just probably means she wanted to play with you. You've been busy with hero training with dad, right?"

Touya nodded, "He's helping me become a hero. That way I can fight bad guy's."

Rei laughed, ruffling Touya's hair, "Well Touya that isn't the only way to be a hero."

Touya looked at her oddly, "What do you mean?"

Rei put her finger to his chest, right above his heart, "Your Fuyumi's big brother, Touya. A big brother is supposed to look out for their little sister. That makes them a hero too."

Touya's eyes widened, "I didn't think of it like that..."

Rei chuckled, pushing Touya toward the door, "How about this? I'll make dinner while you go get Fuyumi. You two can help me so she can spend some time with you."

Touya nodded, stalling as he asked his mom, "Do you think I'll be a good hero mom?"

Rei paused, feeling an odd sense of worry as she looked at her son. Her son looked so much like his father.

He's not Enji...

"Your such a good brother Touya..."

She smiled, her son unaware of her hidden thoughts.

"So I know you'll be a great hero."


"Hey, Natsuo. I'm your older brother, Touya."

His little brother gave him a giggle as he held his finger, his tiny hands barely able to cover it.

"No fair Touya, it's my turn with Natsuo."

Touya turned back to his sister, her white and red hair in contrast with his pure crimson. Her grey eyes were like moms. His blue eyes are like dads.

Touya huffed, "I don't know what you're talking about. You must be imagining things."

Fuyumi felt a tick of annoyance, kicking her stupid older brother in the shins for lying.

"Hey! That hurt!"

Fuyumi rolled her eyes, "So what, aren't you training to be a hero? You can take a shin kick."

Touya retaliated by stepping on her toes, sticking his tongue out at her as Natsuo watched gleefully.


The siblings paused their play fight as they turned to see Natsuo smiling at them, his toothless gums blaring in a wide smile.

Touya and Fuyumi looked at each other, giving a silent nod as they agreed to a truce so they could play with their brother.


They laughed as Natsuo gave a happy squeal, stilling as they heard the door open behind them.

"How is your brother?"

Touya and Fuyumi turned to see their father, having walked back in from talking with the doctor.

"He's adorable dad, you should see him."

Fuyumi stayed silent as their father looked over their shoulders to look at Natsuo, knowing that he wouldn't answer her even if she asked him.

He has no problem answering Touya though.

She huffed as Enji looked toward the baby boy.

Not this one either huh...

Natsuo's eyes showed clear signs of his mother's gene, his pure white hair only adding to that fact.

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