Chapter 6

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A/N I HATE GOOGLE CHROME! I'm already re-writing this for the fourth time because it keeps on crashing, i know i should write with word, but I can't, I just can't get in a good mood to write it, i don't know why. Anyway, thanks everyone who has voted or commented, please carry on. over and out! ( soryy, had to say it)

Chapter 6

My leg were shaking as we headed outside, I couldn't stop them and I had no idea why they were even shaking. It wasn't like there was any reason why I should be worried about meeting her, was there?

Oh shit, there was.

Well, maybe she'd forgotten, or maybe she didn't even know. I shook my head and collapapsed onto a nearby bench. The sky was a perfect blue and I could feel the sun burning down on me as I leant back, looking at the sky and the odd clouds that floated across.

"What's up?" Abbie asked, sitting beside me. "I mean, you don't have to tell me if it's, well, you know. We've only known each other for, like, a day."

"No, it's okay, it's just that girl. The one by the water fountain, red hair. Well, we were-" I was interupted by a loud, very american voice.


"Hey y'all! We need to get all o' the kids ready for canoeing." She shouted, jogging up to us pink faced and out of breath.

"We're going canoeing?" I asked.

"Yes, we'll you two and the instructer are, I'm not, i'm going with your brother to get supplies and do orientering." Millie replied, pulling an apple out from god knows were and biting into it, the juice runing down onto her top.

I inwardly shivered then stood up to go and do our little 'mission'.


Canoeing was now added to my list of hates. 

After struggling with getting all the gear on, we had to lug a sixty pound canoe from the centre to the lake, along with our paddles and anything that any random kid decided to laiden us down with. We then had to stand around in the cold for an hour to 'practice' our skills. 

How are we meant to practice rowing, in water, on land? 

Once we were finally on the canoes, I was stuck with a snotty boy, who talked non-stop, and obviously hadn't been listening in the practices, and yet another loud kid who, though had been listening, very intently, had really, and I mean really, bad hand-eye coordanation.

I think I would of managed if we'd just been paddling about in the shallow water, where it was harder for the canoe to turn over, but no, we were forced to go right out into the middle of this huge lake.

We played a couple of games, like finding the rubber ducks or races. Which was fine, because eventually the two kids managed to work together to make us the fastest. Well, I told them just to put their paddles up so we wouldn't end up in the opposite direction, and I rowed us along all by myself.

Of course, likes not simple enough to allow me to be the winner than leave it at that. No, some wise-crack stood up and had to shout "SPLASH FIGHT!" which lead straight to a soaking of the kid. Unfortunatley, it wasn't left at that, soon everyone was sporting wet hair and soggy trainers.

As I tried to make a run, well, a row for it, the two kids decided they wanted to jump in. Snotty kid jumped in fine, leaving just a few splashes on me, but as the other one jumped in, his foot got caught on the edge, capsizing the boat and leaving me screaming my head off, much to the entertainment to everyone else.

So, all in all, not a good experience. As luck would have it, Abbie was absolutley dry, so dry in fact, I just had to pour my water bottle over her head after she'd had a good half hour laugh at my expense.

"I think we might just need a shower, Rachel." Abbie said once we'd got back to the cabin, after sending all the little kids off to the other young leaders. 

"We just might." I sighed, grabbing my shower things and following Abbie up to the shower block. 

Luckily they weren't communal, but, and this was a big but, it was uni-sex blocks of showers. Everyone used the same shower blocks. When I got into the shower I locked it, then tied my bobble around the lock to make sure no one could get in.

I stood there and let the water drip down my back. I could hear muffled voices from behind my cubicle.

"Look mate....tell her's...the first....short." A very northern voice said.

"Well...I've tried....I have a.... it's ingenius." I couldn't picture the voice, but I was sure I had heard it before.

"Sure mate, any..., I've... got to go.....ya." Said the first voice again.

There was a sound of shuffling feet and it went all quiet again. I turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around me and opened the door slightly. I couldn't see anyone so I opened it even more to have a good look.

There, leaning on the cubicle, phone in hand, was Summer. 

"Oh My God, go away!" I screamed, slamming the door shut and quickly pulling on some clothes.

I chucked my wet stuff in a bag and stormed out, footsteps following quickly behind me. Stopping, I turned and came face to face with a smirking Summer.

"What?" He playfully asked.

"Perv." I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest to make sure he wouldn't look.

"No, I was texting my mum, when a beautiful, half-naked girl came out of a shower." Summer replied, leaning on a post.

"Well...that doesn't matter, you could of had the decency not to look." 

"How was I meant to know you had a sudden urge to walk around naked?" 

"I wasn't! I was wearing a towel." I corrected him.

"A very short towel." He grinned.

"Will you just leave me alone? Stop following me." I eventually said.

"Well, from what I've heard, you didn't even want to come, whereas I've had my name down to help for ages. That, honey, makes you the stalker." Summer mocked.

"Don't call me that." 

"Sorry, stalker." And with that, he walked off, leaving me standing there speechless.

"Rachel!" I heard Abbie behind me. 

"Sorry Abbie! I just forgot, I just had a run in with..." I turned to face her.

"A friend?" She asked.

"No, more of a... nemesis."

A/N Yay! I've finished it without google chrome crashing on me. Anyway, please vote and comment, or whatever. I hope you like and the next chapter will be up soon... hopefully. Don't worry, no blackmail this time. hehe. over and out! (that shall be my new catchphrase.)

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