IV. Breakdown

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"Will You Dance With Me Tonight?" Harley asks Y/N.

She smiles widely not being able to contain her happiness. She squeezes his hand tight, emotions bubbling inside her. She silently leans her head on his shoulder as she whispers beside his ears.

"I'd be happy if you'd be my first dance."

Harley smiles leaning his head on Y/N he gently caresses her hair.

"I'd be honored to be your first dance."

"Should we go then?" Y/N asks still leaning her head on Harley's shoulder.

"Harley?" Y/N calls out when she notices her partner get silent.

Y/N looks at Harley only to see him freeze in shock at something. She gets confused, she looks at whatever made Harley stop in his tracks.

She stops shocked and mesmerized by the gorgeous woman who slowly approaches them looking a bit hesitant at the sight of them cuddling.

Y/N notices Harley let go of her hand as he swiftly entangles herself from Y/N.

Feeling a bit confused and nervous Y/N questioningly stares at Harley. Feeling the cold chill of the night replace the warmth she had with her companion.

Harley guiltily looks back and forth at Y/N and the woman who now stands in front of them. The tall woman only apologetically looks at Y/N as she flits her attention back to Harley who also gives his full attention to her.

"What's happening Harley?" Y/N asks not wanting to be left out but she only get's ignored by them.

"Riley what are you doing here???" Harley asks the newcomer, longing in his eyes.

"I-I..." The woman hesitates as she looks back at Y/N.

"I'm not sure If I should be even doing this. I-I m-mean I don't want to disturb you and... " Riley stops giving a side glance at Y/N.

Harley looks at Y/N again sadness in his eyes. He sighs biting his lip. Looking as if he's about to break down in a matter of seconds now.

"I-I t-thought you never wanted me anymore." Harley chokes surprising Y/N as she sees tears form in his eyes.

"You know that's not what I meant." Riley says trying to grab Harley's arm but he swats her hand away.

"Then why'd you broke up with me?!! Why'd you say you don't need me! and you even left me for a year!" Y/N reels back, confused at everything that's going on in front of her.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me why you did all that to me!" Harley shouts angrily. Big streams of tears falling down his eyes. Riley also started tearing up but she still tries to calm Harley down.

"Harley I only did that because I thought you we're getting tired of me! But it was actually me who was falling out of love in our relationship!" She answers practically sobbing.

"Then why?! Why'd you decide to only come back! "

"Isn't it obvious?! It's because I made a mistake! The mistake of taking you for granted. And I only stand here now! Asking for a second chance from you!"


"I know there's a dance that's happening next door. And if you just decide to take my hand and whisk me in the dance floor. Then I'd know that you'd still accept me...." Riley stops standing beside

"But if you won't then I know you'd already moved on from me. " She sadly smiles at Y/N. Slowly taking her hand with her and Y/N let's her.

She clasps both their hand together, raising it in front of Harley.

"Choose between the two of us." Y/N eyes widen.

"But what is happening between you two?!" Y/N asks but she gets ignored again. In front of him Harley stares seriously at the hands in front of him.

Y/N thinks that the girl beside her must be Harley's past lover. She knows she looks better than her. She's sexier. She dresses better. And she's more feminine. But Y/N still hopes that Riley's just one of Harley's past girlfriend.

The fact that Harley chosed her while they we're surrounded by other girls who are better looking than Y/N is the only thing that Y/N relies on to believe that Harley will chose her tonight.

"Who will it be?" Y/N whispers looking hopefully at Harley's already puffy eyes.

Harley's looks back at them breathing nervously. And Y/N holds her breath feeling Riley's hand tighten around her.

"Please choose now." Riley begs.

"Forgive me." Harley bows knowing that he's apologizing to the one he'll be leaving out in the main room tonight.

Both of the girls hold their breath anticipating who he'll choose. They freeze when he slowly reaches above their hands.

"I'm sorry." Harley finally looks up at Y/N but with regret and guilt.

He slowly takes Riley's hand leaving Y/N's hand to defeatedly hang. Riley gasps in surprise, happily crying as she immediately clings to Harley and he tightly hugs her back.

Y/N speechless, dissapointed, and worse heartbroken. Can only look down on the floor her vision slowly getting blurry as she feels a wet trickle fall down on her eyelashes and cheeks.

Her legs give up on her and she ends up falling down on her back catching Harley's attention.

"Y/N!" He shouts in concern immediately getting beside her to try and help her up. But he only gets pushed away by Y/N angrily.

"Don't even try to touch me you jerk!"

"Y/N..." Harley sympathetically stares at her but she gets angrier deciding to look at him in disgust which resulted in a surprised and pained expression from Harley.

"It does hurt right?! That's how I felt when you avoided me back in highschool just because I had a crush on you!"

"I actually thought you liked me... I thought I have something special going on with you tonight..." Y/N pauses to let out a sob. Feeling light-headed she tries to stand only failing and falling down again.

"But now I realized you only used me this night. Using me like someone temporary for the person you loved." Y/N looks at Riley who guiltily also cries looking away from her.

"Look at all of us. We're all crying. Our clothes are messed up. We look terrible!" Y/N tries to laugh but the sadness in her only forces more sobs and tears in her eyes.

"Fix yourself up before you enjoy your dance. " Y/N turns away from the both of them. Feeling weak she tries to use the little bit of strength left in her. Pushing herself up from the floor. She ignores Harley calling out to her.

She starts her way to the balcony wanting to just lay down and just cry and cry talking to God until all her tears are dried up.

When she arrives at the desolate and spacious balcony she immediately sits on the floor. Letting out all her tears again she emptily looks at the night sky in front of her. Praying all the extreme hurt would go away from her.

Feeling a bit suffocated and nauseous she stands up. Going to the balcony's railing to vomit she feels the cold night air on her. Her head aching she continues on crying looking up to the sky closing her eyes and muttering.

"It hurts God."

As she continues on praying she doesn't notice the door creek across the room. There a man slowly enters, following her after their outbursts in the main room.

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