Just A Scratch

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Ina and Sana crept through the tall grass and the marshland reeds in the darkness of the night. The two of them kept their heads low and steered clear of the sweeping spotlights of Kennedy Space Center and the flashlights of the armed CIA agents prowling through what once was Ina's secret base.

Thankfully, Ina knew this place like the back of her hand. She knew the many paths that snaked through the sand, the mud and the grass even in the darkness. Her biggest challenge was keeping her companion, the space alien Sana from getting distracted by every little thing - but even then, Ina did a good job.

In the distance, Ina could spot the barbed wire fence that separated the government land from the road out of Cape Kennedy. She even caught a glimpse of her trusty Mini Cooper illuminated by the moonlight - unmolested and undetected, so far, by the CIA.

Just as Ina drew close to her exit, she let her guard down and stumbled on a branch. The dry wood snapped audibly beneath her feet.

Then, the cat-like Special Agent Zeta turned towards the noise. Her sky blue eyes shimmered with devilish delight.

"Found you~" Zeta sneered. Her sing-song voice belied her bloody threat.

She promptly drew her Single Action Army revolver and started shooting in Ina's direction.

"Oh crud...!" Ina nearly cursed.

She ducked and pulled Sana down with her as bullets whizzed overhead. Zeta's revolver was quickly followed by automatic gunfire from Bazo and the other agents.

"They're pinned down!" Zeta cried out to her agents, "Nab em!"

Ina's heart beat hard against her chest. She could see Sana's troubled face in the moonlight, wincing with every burst of fire. Even the alien could tell that the gunshots were bad news.

But it wasn't the gunfire that Ina feared the most. She could hear the rustle of the tall grass. Agents were closing in on them, cutting off their path.

Ina took Sana by the hand and spoke slowly but firmly.

"Sana. We run. Follow me, okay? No stop - never stop!"

Sana looked confused, but she nodded.

Ina squeezed Sana's hand. She could feel the unusual, intense warmth from Sana's hand. Then, when the gunshots thinned out, Ina broke into a sprint with her companion.

Zeta caught glimpses of the runners and trained her gun on them.

"Don't let them get away!" Zeta urged.

The CIA agents renewed their attack, but they were shooting into the dark.

Ina and Sana broke ahead and ran as quickly as their feet could take them. They reached the barbed wire fence and Ina slipped through a worn out section of it.

Sana, however, shielded herself and barreled straight through the barbed wire and yelped in pain.

"Sana!" Ina gasped.

Ina rushed back to Sana's side and tended to her. She felt the unusually warm blood trickling from scratches on Sana's arms. It felt like the warmth of sunlight on a summer's day.

"Oh God, oh God...!" Ina panicked.

However, Sana reined in her yelping and shook her head.

"No stop. Never stop!" Sana repeated Ina's words, "Sana follow Ina."

Ina wanted to protest, but bullets kept flying and the shouting drew closer.

"R-right..." Ina gulped.

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