What Glory Be

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After thinking to himself for some time, Etho decided to not abandon his new companion, and instead welcome him into the wide world of camping.

It wasn't the worst decision he'd ever made, right?

He'd say no to that.

And today, Tango had gotten himself trapped on a ledge, like any good comrade should.

"Tango, do you need help?" Etho shouted to the stranded spirit.

"A little." Tango said, almost sarcastically.

"I'll get you down," Etho reassured him as he jumped around twelve feet into the sky and landed smoothly next to him. "Don't worry."

"Itia! How did you-?" Tango asked, bewildered.

"Gust mage." Etho said simply.

"Ah." Tango vocalized. "I see."

It was only a little struggle to get Tango down, but he was down now.

"I didn't know you could do that," Tango said after some time.

"It's a bit of a strange power, being that I usually live near Flamis, yeah." Etho reasoned.

The two of them sat on a log that had fallen under a tree, which provided shade. They had a conversation about various topics, such as Etho telling Tango about the current residents of Flamis.

And one of these such residents suddenly approached.

Impulse was on a hunting trip, he had his quiver tied around his waist, and his bow in hand.

"Hello, Etho!" Impulse quickly sheathed his bow to appear nonthreatening. "Who's this?"

"Ah, hello Impulse! This is Tango," Etho pointed to the other person, who's ears were on fire. "I met him on a ferry."

"Pleasure to meet you!" Tango reached out his hand for a handshake, which Impulse accepted.

They walked to Flamis, planning to set up a camp. When they gathered their supplies, they set out once again to the wild savannah.

They pitched their tents and lit a fire in the middle of them. It was quite a nice little campsite.

The three of them were just finishing when a thud sounded next to them. Etho snapped his head to look at what just landed, and saw two people, dressed in green, wielding fans. One of them wore a hood, and the other had long hair and a dress.

They were very clearly Gust mages.

"Hello-?" Etho gave a confused salutation.

"Hi. I'm Bdubs, this is Pearl," the hooded person said.

"Oh. I'm Etho."

"I'm Impulse!" Impulse shouted from across the camp. "Tango's over here!"

"Wait- did you say..." Pearl hesitated, closing and pocketing her fan. "...Tango?"

"Uh..." Etho responded. "Yes."

"Tango, like the ancient Flame deity?" Bdubs queried.

"Yup. That would be me." Tango appeared from around a tree. "Hi."


Beef gave a silent hope that Pearl and Bdubs would be able to find a translator, shoved the brick back in place again, and stood up.

He walked through the corridors a bit, before hearing footsteps somewhere in front of him.

He navigated towards them while the footsteps seemed to be trying to do the opposite, so the whole experience was rather time consuming.

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