Chapter 45: Some Ground Rules

Start from the beginning

"Mama! Quit calling me a baby! I'm not a baby!"

I shook my head and responded, bending down to my little boy's level as I gently grabbed his face and placed a kiss onto his forehead,

"No! No! I don't want to hear that kind of talk! You're my baby boy, and you always will be."

Keep it going and someday, you might just outshine your old man!"

Stepping toward us, Michaela asked, "Mommy? Can we ask you and Daddy something?"

I responded, "Of course you can, baby. What is it?"

Michaela timidly looked to the rest of her siblings for approval as they all nodded to her in support. The one thing that I found adorable about the twins was that MJ is nearly an exact copy of Michael but is brave and bold like me, while Michaela was directly my mini-me while inheriting MIchael's shy and sweet nature.

Having the rest of her siblings approval, Michaela went on to ask,

"Krissi, MJ, Harmony and I were all talking, and we all wanted to ask you... Could we sing a song in the booth with you and Mommy?"

Our children have been asking us a lot lately about singing in the recording studio and going on stage to sing with us, and Michael and I have been very adamant in discussing how to approach this. Although they've been on stage with us before, both Michael and I wanted to preserve our children's youth for as long as we could.

Considering how Michael himself never really got much of a chance to have a childhood, one of the things that mattered the most to us is that our children were given as much normality as possible. And even I knew that traveling overseas 24/7 could be too overbearing for a child.

We knew due to our star power however, that our children wouldn't be able to do the things that normal children would do, like go to a public school, go to the park, or really anywhere by themselves. And even if they were with us, they would still get mobbed by the paparazzi or other fans as they were also the talk of the tabloids and any other media outlet that gossiped about us. And nowhere was that more adamant at the Cinderella premiere.

After what happened with Michaela in her near kidnapping incident, we've had to double down on our security. So pretty much anywhere we went, we now had to require security around us and our children at all times. But at the same time, if our children really wanted to join us and be on stage, Michael and I both agreed that while we wouldn't always keep them away from it, we would lay some ground rules for them to follow.

After a moment of thought, I said,

"Well, actually guys, there is a song in my album that I might need all y'all's help with singing on. It's called My Love Is Your Love, and I've had it written to make sure all of you could be a part of it!"

Michael added, "And although it will take some time before my next album comes out, there is also another song that I've been considering having you guys sing along with me.

Bobbi Kristina exclaimed excitedly, "Woah! Really?!"

Michaela asked, "You mean we can sing with you?!"

MJ asked, "And on stage too?!"

MJ asked, "And on stage too?!"

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