Love as a Solution (Part 1)

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T: Dear A., I am happy to hear from you again after such a long time but your letter saddened me. As your friend I am sorry to hear you in such melancholic tones, talking about love in very depressive connotations. It is evident that life has not been nice to you and that you have been hurt repeatedly, while you have been kind to life itself. I know it hurts to get doors shut in your face, while kindly opening doors for others. It hurts to put yourself out there while getting no recognition of your abundance of love you have in yourself for somebody lucky. To be able to stand after these tragic moments is an act of heroism itself, to keep your head forward and to move on. I understand, however, that you may have doubts whether it is worth it to love, whether it is worth it to be vulnerable with someone again. You may experience some trepidation when you try starting something new or ending something old. It is, however, in our nature to love and we are indeed cursed with the ability to spread our love with anyone we might deem worthy of it at first hand. Mother Nature has given us the daunting task of loving someone, while this task, as you said, may come with the greatest dangers. When we fulfill this task, however, it is the biggest achievement a person can get in their lifetime. And even if we do not succeed in seducing someone to love us back, the act of having loved someone at all is worthy of all praise. You may not be moved by my words, since you have been hurt by love and since then you have decided to not be moved at all by someones words or actions. To stand still and to hide yourself from love, to act as if you are made from stone and to pretend that your heart is frozen in time. To shelter yourself away as if it is raining, to find a hiding place as if you are playing hide and seek. Dear friend, you can hide and shelter yourself away all  you want, but love will find a way. And when she does, you will need to open your arms and approach love as if she is a old friend, a friend as old as time. Trust me, she is worth it.

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