Love as a Problem (Part 2)

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A: Love is a sickness and I do not want the cure for it. It is poisonous since it will eat you up inside and make you feel like you are empty. One normally assumes that one needs to die to experience death but if one needs a description of dying, one only should have to ask a lover that did not get love back how it felt. So one will have already have died before they are in their grave. A lover could have died but they could still be walking around like nothing happened. A normal person will thus be only declared death once in their lifetime, a lover however will be declared death as long as they are loving. I already have been rambling around too long, my friend. I hope my pessimism will not infect you, like how the heart of a lover has been infected by love, which means that it will now be ill for the rest of their life. Some would say that the feeling of love resembles a fire, since it brightens the mood of someone and it shows that there is light in their darkness. They say that love is like a fire since it awakens a fiery passion inside of someone to care for their loved ones and to fight for them with all their might. I agree that love is like a fire, but I wish to give it another meaning. Love resembles a fire in the way that it destroys everything in its path, leaving only ashes behind it. It destroys your inside the same way a building is destroyed by a fire. It consumes you. Looking back at my written words I see that this fire of love has gotten deep inside of me. It is scary to see a romantic soul be completely devoid of any desire and love, which is ironic since it was love that first filled the emptiness inside someone but it also was love that destroyed everything in someone, causing emptiness again. It is tragic to see someone that once was enchanted by the power and magic of love comparing it to the death of someone, but that is what love does. It transforms the soul-having to the soulless, it brings to life but it also kills and it changes a person for the worst way possible, since nobody comes back better after dying.

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