Chapter 5 - Missing Persons

Start from the beginning

Aizawa and Hizashi stand up and go to the computers. Nemuri goes to the hospital to check the patient list. Rumi goes to the evidence board on the wall to look for any clues.


"Chief, there are seven mothers in that specific hospital with missing children." Hizashi says. Toshinori walks over to the computer. After looking at all the names, he nods and looks at Aizawa's screen. It had all the children's pictures and names.

Denki Kaminari 
Hitoshi Shinso
Izuku Midoriya
Touya Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Ochako Uraraka
Eijiro Kirishima
Katsuki Bakugo

"Todoroki?" Hizashi asks as he looks at the screen as well. "That's the really important business man with a huge office downtown, right?"

"Yeah, I remember when he came to the station about his kid." Aizawa says, looking at the computer as well. "Said that a man took him right under their noses.." He trails off. He goes back to his table and dials a number. After two rings, he starts talking into the phone. "Mr. Todoroki, we seem to have a lead on your missing sons."

"What!? Your station said that we should let go of them, now you're saying you might know where they are?!" Enji says on the phone.

"Yes, we understand that, but we have some leads and we might find your sons. I'm telling you this so when or if we go to your house for questioning, you'll understand why." Aizawa says sternly.

On the other side of the phone, Enji Todoroki was standing shocked in his kitchen. He and his children had just finished dinner when he got the call. He had closed the door to the kitchen so his children didn't hear. Little did he know, his fifteen and eighteen year old kids creaked the door open just enough for them to hear.

"What am I supposed to tell my children?!" Enji almost yells into the phone. "'Oh, your siblings that I told you are dead might actually be alive?' Why would I give them that false hope when we don't know for sure?!"

Natsuo and Fuyumi freeze as Enji takes a deep breath. Then, Enji turns around and the two teens run away from the door so they don't get caught.

"And what about my wife?" Enji says. "She's stuck in a mental hospital because of the disappearances. You expect me to waltz in and tell her that as well?"

Aizawa sighed on his end and rubbed his temples. "Sir, we are doing the best we can with your missing children, but we wanted to inform you about it." He says. "We assumed you wanted to know." He looked over at Hizashi and glanced at his computer. "And we think there is a reason they took your children."

He hears Enji growl on the phone. "Enlighten me." He says.

"Well," Toshinori says, taking the phone from Aizawa. "We're not completely sure of this fact, but we do know that both of your sons showed some strange.. talents."

"Yes, yes, they could make fire in their hands." Enji says. "What does that have to do with this?"

Toshinori sighs, remembering the stubbornness of his old classmate. "We're going to interview the other mothers at this hospital, but we think all the children kidnapped by these people had these special abilities as well." He pauses for a moment. "It is just a hypothesis though."

Enji was quiet for a moment. "Be careful, that hospital is meant for those who are already long gone." The line goes silent.

Toshinori sighs. "Alright Aizawa, lets go see if this hypothesis has any truth to it."


"You want to see Inko Midoriya?" The hospital attendant asked with disbelief. The two police nodded their heads. "Alright, but I'll warn you, she hasn't been well lately."

They headed down a hallway to a door close to the end. When the nurse opened it, the Aizawa immediately noticed how unclean it was. It wasn't messy, per say, but it definitely wasn't clean. Close to the window was a woman tending to flowers.

"Mrs. Midoriya?" Aizawa asks. Inko snaps her head upward at Aizawa and locks eyes with him.

"Where is he?" She says, standing up and rushing toward him. She grabbed his shoulders and started shaking them. "Where is he!? I can't seem to find him."

"Mrs. Midoriya-" Toshinori says.

"Where's my son?" She says, looking around the room. "I couldn't find him. And everyone says he's gone!" She laughs slightly, looking nervous. "Where is he? My Izuku?"

"Mrs. Midoriya, we have a lead on your son's case." Aizawa says. Inko blinks at him.

"You do?" She says. "No one's told me that before. But Izuku isn't missing, I saw him just a few minutes ago!"

The two police exchanged looks. "We don't know about that, but your child, Izuku, where did you last see him?" Toshinori said.

"Just right there!" Inko says, pointing to the ledge by the window. "He was sitting there and singing a lullaby from when he was younger! Then he looked at me.." She trails off for a moment. "He told me that he was trapped, isn't that funny?" She stood up. "Why would he be trapped? He must've meant a regular four year old funny thought."

"Four years old?" Aizawa asked. "What else did he say?"

Inko took one of her flowers, which on closer inspection, were fake. "He said.." She trails off again. She looks at Aizawa again. "Well, where's Izuku?" She went back to her seat and looked back out the window. "I can't find him."

The two police officers exchanged another look. Aizawa nodded in Inko's direction. "Thank you for talking with us, Mrs. Midoriya." They began to walk out of the room. Inko stood quickly.

"Wait!" She exclaims. "You can't leave, you have to tell me where my boy is!"

Toshinori reached for the door knob. Aizawa looked back at Inko. "We don't know where he is." He said.

Inko started to have a crazed look in her eyes. Toshinori opened the door. "No!" She exclaims again. "No, no, no!" She started shrieking and Toshinori and Aizawa covered their ears. Two nurses ran into the room and rushed the two out.

As the door closed, they could still hear the pained cries of Inko, screaming for her son.

<^> To Be Continued

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