After a bit of thinking, (Y/n) decides to take her pen and begins. To putting small hearts on the back her hand and a male's genital on her cheek, satisfied with her work, she pinches her friend's nose, limiting Saki's oxygen and making her wake up with a slight gasp. "Wh...what?" Saki rubs her eyes to get the sleep out.

"Pay attention." (Y/n) looked onwards to the board to keep up with her poker face as best as possible to avoid her suspension by the groggy desk mate. Saki gave an annoyed grunt as she collected herself to the best of her ability. As Saki went grab her pencil, she realized the inkling that was on her hand, and began to scrub out the ink, not noticing the one on her face.

"I honestly thought you would do worse than this?" Saki said, expecting more from the girl that was under constant supervision, house arrest and worked to the bone by her own parents. (Y/n) merely watched from the side, suppressing giggles, unaware of the person staring at the back of her head, trying to contain his own giggling.

Bako continued to look at what he almost considered a masterpiece and a smile plastered on his face .The boy next to him glanced in his direction and raised his eyebrow. "Hey, what's got you so happy Bako?" The blond teenager asks.

"Oh nothing, I'm just enjoying the lesson." The blue male replied, focusing back on his equations.

"Yeah well, you were always the nerd. Really think we made a mistake in changing schools, this is basically like Yuzuki Academy only lamer." The young man started doodling at the corner of his exercise book.

"I can't really agree with you on that, it's only the first day, and I'm already gripped." He glanced back at the female, who pointed out her friend's ink-smudged face, across from him.

"Haha, well I'm certainly loving the attention from the girls here, so that's a plus!" The blond male winked at a girl who was peeking at him, making her redden.

Time Skip

As the lesson flew by with (Y/n) constantly experiencing the back poking sensation of something trying to stab at her. After spending most of the lesson trying to focus on the lesson as the tomboy was still irritated at her previous action.

"Hehehe, sorry but you need repercussions If you're going to keep doing this." (Y/n) tapped her friend's nose. Saki moped and gathered her stuff to prepare for her next lesson.

"Whatever, I'm going to get you for this later." She stuck her tongue out and crossly turned her back at the annoying pest. (Y/n) shrugged at the girls claim and began packing her equipment up only to have every hair on her body stand on end once again. 'Man, they want me dead.' doing her best to shake off the feeling and move on.

The bell rang and everyone made their way out the door for the next lesson. (Y/n) didn't have time on her side so she put all her equipment in her bag, so she grabbed her unzipped pencil case in the hope of just carrying it to her next lesson without any accidents. 

As everyone pushed their way past the door, (Y/n) felt an extra hard jab from someone behind her. Everything appeared in slow motion, as her pencil case plummeted to the ground in agonizing, sluggish speed right to the bitter end of its impact. 'Nothing can be easy, can it?' (Y/n) asked herself annoyed at the lack of convenience in her life.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." She heard a male voice behind her. She sighed and looked down at the mess with pained eyes.

'At least he apologized.' (Y/n) calmed herself, "It's ok, it happens." She was about to begin picking her stuff up, when another hand darted out before she could get to her equipment. For a second (Y/n) thought that whoever this was, was going to take some of her supplies and make her ask every teacher for a pencil till she could buy another, which Lala and Saki said was a common thing in their school. But instead, the arm gathered all of the tools and quickly put them back in the pencil case.

"I hope you can forgive me." (Y/n) looked up into the dark, raven eyes of a boy she doesn't recognize. The boy had onyx eyes which held a certain amount of mystery to them and coal black hair that glistened, even in the horrible lighting, as well as a contrast to his pure, pale skin. He had a row of piercings on one of his ears and held a gentle and apologetic smile.

"...That smile" (Y/n) was deep in her memories with another male and staring out into space with her scattered on the floor, considering all their similarities in deep enough thought that she didn't even realize the boy was trying to get her attention.

"Uuumm, hello? Are you ok? I didn't hurt you, did I?" The dark raven shakes her shoulder lightly, bringing her back to reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's you just have a really nice smile!" (Y/n) said blurting out that last part due to her reawakening "new hot guy" reflex kicking in, making the black haired male abruptly gain a pink hug on his face when he comprehended her compliment.

Realizing what she said gave him a quick smile and rushed her way to Saki where she saw her paralyzed form unsure if her eyes were telling the truth. (Y/n) simply wanting to move on, took Saki by her collar and dragged her off to their next lesson, not giving her any time to speak.

The ebony male watched as the two girls left and thought back to the complement the (e/c) eyed female had given him. "That was a first." He chuckled to himself, feeling less warmth in his face, and felt an arm swing over his shoulder.

"Hahaha, what an impression you must have made. Honestly, it's only the first day at school Ren." The blond male snickered at the scene. The dark teen rolled his eyes and looked back at his two friends.

"When are we going to get you trained Ryo?" The boy patted the blond's head and looked back at his second companion.

"What happened?" The aqua male asked.

"Oh, it was nothing. I just bumped into a girl and helped pick up her stuff." The boys began walking along to their lessons.

"Who was it?"

The dark crow thought back to the female's appearance. "She had (h/c) hair, pretty (e/c) eyes. She also had a (f/c) pencil case. Why?" The blue haired boy recognized the appearance of the girl that managed to catch his interest.

"No reason, she's just in my class."

"Oh darn!" The dark haired student retrieves an eraser shaped flower from his pocket.

"Nice eraser dude." Ryo tittered and poked fun at his friend.

"It's not mine, it must be that girls. I had forgotten to put it back." Ren looked at the little object guiltily.

"Hey, I have a lesson with her next, let me give it to her." As he receives the little object, he couldn't help but smile in anticipation at the thought of talking to the girl that somehow managed to dig into his mind.

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