Chapter 2

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It was Saturday night, and Marcy was just finishing up a comic page when her phone rang again. 

She sighed, lifting the device up to her ear, and clicking accept. "Hello?"

"Hey Marce, it's me!" Sasha's voice met Marcy's ears.

"Hey," Marcy replied dully, she was exhausted. 

"You okay Mars?" 

"Yeah, I'm just tired. Trying to get a few more comic pages done before I come to see you guys, so I don't have to work the whole time I'm there, maybe I'll just have to do a few pages while I'm there." Marcy spoke as she grabbed her inhaler out of her jacket, heading out to her balcony. She took a long inhale from it. The nicotine would help her stay focused and awake, and make her sound less dull.

"Hmm, smart idea. Anyways, I'll pick you up from the airport tomorrow around 4-5 PM, right?"


"Just makin' sure! I'll let you go now, see ya tomorrow!"  

"See ya."

Marcy hung up, her throat tightening. Oh, why did she say yes?

"Wow, you really are a mess." 

Marcy's head snapped up. "Hello?" 

"Hello, Mar Mar." 

"Oh, my hallucinations are back, great." Marcy mentally facepalmed. Ever since high school, she had heard the core's voice in her head. She had gone to get medicine but had stopped taking it since they had subsided. Now it seemed they were back.

She went to her bathroom, checking a pill bottle labeled, 'Antipsychotics'. 

It was empty, of course. 

She groaned, "I'll have to get some tomorrow." She said to herself.

"Oh Marcy, when will you accept we're really real?" The core asked. 

"Never, because you aren't," Marcy thought back.

"Boo, well so be it. We will make you accept it sooner or later."

Marcy ignored the core's comment, going to her room, flopping on her bed.

She was asleep in a matter of seconds. She needed to get as much sleep as possible, as tomorrow was a big day.


Marcy groaned as she rolled over, turning her alarm off with a huff. She checked her phone; 8:30 AM.

She forced herself out of bed with a huff as she remembered she had to get new cartridges. Throwing her jacket over her T-Shirt, she grabbed her keys, hurrying out to her car.

It was a simple little car, but Marcy didn't care. Hopping in the driver's seat, she put her key in, the car turning on.

As she pulled out of the apartment parking lot, she sighed. She was really starting to regret her decision.

As she stopped at a red light, she glanced over, seeing a gas station she often went to.

She hesitated, glancing down at her inhaler.

"I can get cartridges, and some..." Her train of thought trailed off, and she hesitated before putting her turning signal on.

After getting her cigarettes, she then drove to get her cartridges. She wasn't going to reduce the amount of nicotine yet, she wasn't ready.

It was around 10:00 AM when she got back, and she needed to finish packing, and possibly get another drawing page done.

She would have to be at the airport by 2:00 PM. Her flight was at 4:00 PM, and she would get there around 5:00 Anne and Sasha's time. The flight was 3 hours long.

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