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you never wanted to be apart of the borderlands. a place filled with death and horrible people. when you arrived, you thought there was no hope for anything. once you found out about the beach, you thought it would be a sanctuary, something peaceful, a safe haven. but, once you arrived, you were met with even more horrible people who have done terrible things. it seems the borderlands has brought out the worse in them. there were some people who were alright, like kuina, probably one of the people you would actually consider a friend at the beach. she was friends with a mysterious diamond player whose name is chishiya. you've never really had an actual conversation with him, but you two have exchanged looks before and you encounter kuina and him when they are hanging around together at the beach.

you definitely know who he is that's for sure. he's one of the beach executives and he is probably one of the smartest. he always keeps to himself, though. no one has ever been seen hanging around him out of the meetings except for kuina. you didn't understand why he never really talked to anybody. you were curious about the blonde, and wanted to find out more about him.

today, you were just wandering around the beach. you didn't need to play another game since you had three days before you had to renew your visa. it is actually very boring when you have no games to play. you're safe yes, but the things to do at the beach are limited. today you just had to find something to do. you decided to sit by the pool for a bit, and it was relaxing. the sun shining in your face, the sound of almost nothing. but more and more people came into the area. of course, you thought. you should have expected this. you got tired of the sweaty people surrounding the area, leaving no space for you or the sun to reflect on your face. you then thought it was best to leave the pool and find something else to do.

you went back inside and followed a group of stairs that you were never familiar with. the stairs stopped at a door that seemed to lead outside.

you opened the door and realized the place it led to was the roof. unlike the pool area, the place was quiet and calm. the air itself changed as well, and it was much more of a cooler breeze. you can finally see the sunlight, and you felt the cool breeze graze your face. no more sweaty bodies bumping into each other, no loud noises to disrupt you. just complete silence. on your left, you notice a person sitting near the ledge admiring the sky. you stepped closer and there you saw the mysterious blonde you were oh so curious about.

you decided to approach him. i mean, what could go so wrong? you thought. you sit not too far from him and wave hello. he looks over his shoulder and you were met with his eyes.

he noticed who you were and asked, " you're kuina's friend, yes? "

you nodded and he hummed in reply. you asked him, "chishiya, right?" even though you definitely knew who he was.

he didn't reply with anything, but with a smirk and a nod. the conversation didn't really go anywhere after that. you wanted to try to talk to him, so you tried numerous times to bring up different things, like how'd you and kuina meet? and do you need to renew your visa? all he did was that smirk from before and say nothing. the rumors were right, he wasn't really the person to talk.

already getting annoyed, you ask, " do you ever talk??"

to your surprise, this question he answered. " i only talk to people that i need to. "

that he needs to talk to? you were already tired of this man, but what was even worse was that you were still curious about why he acted this way.

in defeat, you got off the ledge and left. you could clearly see him still smirking, and you could've swore you heard a bye. chishiya really was something. you wanted to find out more about this man and even possibly befriend him. it would probably be a bad idea, but you wanted to try. kuina probably knew about him, so you could start there. no matter what, you wanted to find out more about him.

the sun set quick, and some players arrived and some left. you and kuina were in her room, playing a random game she found lying around at the beach.

" so, i heard you tried talking to chishiya. how did that go? " she asked curiously with a smile.

you sigh in annoyance as you remember how the blonde haired man treated you. you replied, "he told you about that?"

kuina nodded with a grin on her face. you didn't really expect chishiya to tell kuina about the failed conversation you two had. you thought he would just forget about it, which if we're being serious, he probably would not.

you sighed as you realized kuina had won the round of the game you were playing, " it was fine, i guess. he didn't really say anything to me, so it was more of a one-sided conversation."

kuina laughed in amusement. " i know, he's really hard to talk to, huh? but maybe if you keep on trying he'll eventually talk to you. i mean, he talks to me, doesn't he?"

you realized she was right. there was a possibility for him to talk to you. you just had to keep trying. you decided to make it your goal to talk to the blonde, no matter how hard it would be. you were interested and you definitely wanted to have another chance to talk to him.

you agreed, " you're right! i'll keep on trying. "

kuina laughed. " that's the spirit!" she said as she took a sip of the drink beside her.

the two of you both kept on playing the game until the both of you fell asleep. you were going to keep on trying until you and chishiya become friends.

hi, thank you for reading my story! this chapter is a bit short and not very descriptive, but hopefully i will make longer chapters in the future. enjoy!

[ DIAMONDS. ] s. chishiyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora