Chapter 1: Road to Healing

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You threw your suitcase into the bottom compartment of the coach bus with chattering teeth. It was barely cold in L.A. so you could only imagine how much worse it would be once you arrived in the mountains. That was the one thing you really didn't enjoy about participating in this season of Smosh Games, the fact it would all be in below 0° weather.

Being the last one, your hand was basically forced to close the compartment. With a huff, you reluctantly took your other mediocrely warmed hand out of your pocket and slammed the luggage door closed.

You shivered and shoved both hands back into the warmth of your jacket pockets. It may look ridiculous to native Californian's that you were already wearing a winter coat but hey, you naturally ran cold and weren't well versed in L.A.'s cold weather. You guessed that's what living in Miami, Florida for the majority of your life will do to you.

You also used your big brain unlike some people on the bus (Noah who decided to wear a thin windbreaker) and smartly decided it would be better not to be caught ill prepared when you reach your destination of inescapable snow.

Shuffling your feet to the open door, you entered the bus of doom.

You gracefully clambered through the isle subconsciously taking in the environment your friends have already created. Some were laughing and joking loudly while others were already sleeping unsurprisingly. It was an early departure after all.

You wish you could be as excited as some of them, but the fear of having a disastrous repeat of Summer Games kept you at bay. You were working to get over it before reaching the cabin, the entire trip would just suck balls if you kept letting your inner saboteur take the reigns.

You hadn't really thought about who you were going to sit beside, well you have, but your brain kicked into autopilot to find the nearest empty seat not really caring who you were sitting next to at this long as it wasn't Joven. He had a record of deadly farts and loud snoring.

Just as you were about to reach the back of the coach, a hand grabbed your arm quickly making you jump in surprise and whip your head to face them.

"Sorry!" Shayne laughed easily, not really sorry at all. "Sit beside me, I saved a spot just for you."

You couldn't help but imagine a tail wagging behind him as he looked up at you expectantly, tapping on the seat beside him with vigour. He really was a golden retriever.

A smile that grew wider with every second couldn't be fought off of your face as you took a seat next to your...boyfriend? Fling? Friends with benefits? Wait, why were you even thinking about this now? it's not like you were much for labels anyway.

"Alright everybody!" Ian stands at the front of the bus and his voice captures the attention of everyone. "We're about to leave in like..." He checks his watch, "right now! So I hope for your guys' sake everyone has everything they need because when we take off we're not turning back. Understand?"

"Yes, dad!" Someone calls sarcastically which in turn makes everybody laugh.

"Hardy-har-har." Ian laughed monotonous and rolled his eyes, "Let's make this a good Winter Games!"

A burst of excitement courses through your veins as everyone cheers and hollers while the bus starts to officially drive to your new home for the next coming months.

As you started to settle in your seat you glanced over at Shayne who was happily drinking in the outdoor scenery, with a shy smile you slowly interlocked your fingers. As the palms of your hands met, you could feel butterflies in your stomach like you were a teenager again. You thought it was so stupid that someone could make you feel so hopelessly in love.

Defrost My Heart |Shayne Topp x Reader| |VOL. 2|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz