Chapter 2

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12 years ago....

"Anna there is letter here for you!" my aunt shouted. I came downstairs, it was the day of my 15th birthday & summer was just starting. 

I walked into the living room & quickly opened my letter.  It said 

" Dear Anna Smith, we are pleased to announce that you are invited to join the Callixtus Private school for the talented future rulers.  We are hopping to see you soon in our academy in Rome, Italy.  Best Regards R.B." 

I stood there completely shocked & confused. I applied to this school for the only reason - it was the school that the richest people finished, but no one new much about it. Callixtus was a mystery not only to us, teenagers, but to many adults as well. The other reason why I wanted to travel all the way to Italy, was that I wanted to become a writer. But I never knew what should I write about. So Rome seemed like a perfect place to find my calling. I started smiling -my dreams could finally come true!

 I was filled with joy at this moment & then I looked at my aunt. She was not so into the idea of me leaving her. Let's just say she is total control freak. Even when I first told her about this school, she didn't like the idea that it was so far away, in Italy. 

So I braced myself & told her " I just got accepted into the Callixtus private school in Italy." 

She looked straight into my eyes & said " Well, do you want to go?"

 She already knew the answer to that question, but I was like a daughter to her. Aunt was really protective of me and I can understand that. After my parents passed away 10 years ago, my aunt became like a mother to me. But she didn't quite understand me and my wished that well . 

After a long silence I answered " This school would be a great opportunity for me, I could become more skilled with my writing. I think I should go, if you agree to that of course. " 

She smiled briefly & uttered " You should go.... Yes, you should go. This is the very start of your carrier, you shouldn't miss this opportunity." 

I rushed in & hugged her. She gave me a kiss on the forehead. " I'm going to miss you" she voiced. 

I answered with little tears of joy  in my eyes " Yeah me too...." 


I said goodbyes to my aunt & uncle and walked straight to the boarding gate, I was ready to start my new life in my dream school. 


The flight was longer than I expected. But I suppose it was the excitement. 

After I finished the paper work I was walked towards the exit, where I saw a man holding a paper with my name on it. 

He was about my age, maybe a bit older. Tall, thin, dark haired, hazel eyed guy with a very sharp jawline. 

I walked towards him, he smiled then he said  " Anna Smith I presume " . He had a very cute Italian accent & a mischievous smile . 

" Yeah that's me. Nice to meet you" I answered. I'm not even going to lie, I wanted to flirt with him. 

He continued "My name is Damian & the pleasure is all mine. Now we should hurry up because our car is waiting for us." 

We left the airport & started walking towards a black cadillac. He opened the door for me & then sat down next to me. 

The driver started the engine, our ride began. 

He spoke again " So, what brought you to Callixtus?" 

I smiled & answered  " Well, I'm really interested in literature & I want to become a writer in the future, in my opinion this school is a great start for my big dream. " 

He leaned in t & said " Believe me this place is going to change your life. It has certainly changed mine."

I smiled & I glared straight into his eyes. I wasn't exactly attracted to him, it just felt like he was hiding something under all those pretty words " Tell me more" I said. 

He continued " You will start living in a world you never knew existed. In a way you will be reborn" 

He said those words in such a weird way that I think I became hypnotized. 

When I looked through the window again I saw that we were driving through the woods. That was a bit weird, I was sure that the school was in the city center.  Damian noticed that I became nervous & he said. " Yeah, we are going through the woods. " 

I started panicking. What's happening?

Damiano whispered

"Believe me the upcoming hour you will feel like you are being kidnapped, but you will love your new life Francoise.... " 

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