Chapter I

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He was looking at me... In a way that he never did.

 Me & James have been seeing each other. For the first time in 6 years I finally felt something for someone & I knew that this is going to end before it even started. 

He found the letters... The letters that I couldn't bring myself to destroy even after all these years. I guess somewhere deep inside my heart, I still believed that  Loui and I would find our way back to each other. 

 James looked at me as he said : " Answer me. Is there another?". 

I glared at him and the words left my mouth: " No, there is no one else. Those letters are from the past. The past that I can't forget and I never will. James, I loved someone in the past so hard that it still burns me to this day..". 

He starred at me confused with a confused expression in his face, then I spoke again: 

" You always talk about your youth years, the best years of your life & how you spent them with your family and  friends. You talk about your awesome parties and unforgettable experiences. I also had that you know, I also had beauty in my life. Those letters are the only reminder of my youth. That's why I keep them to remind me of my youth, but they also remind me of him. "

"HIM?" he asked in a cold tone. 

"Yes, James. My first love, Louis. " Even now, after all these years my heart still skips a beat when I say his name. " James, let me tell you everything & you will understand that I never cheated on you. It will help you understand. But if you want to leave you can..." I glared at him he seemed calmer. He sat down & a little smile appeared on my face, it was saying thank you.

I breathed out " It all started when I was 15 years old, still living with my aunt & uncle... "

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