"thanks cris, and yes i'll be careful." you said, hugging cris.

"i'll be waiting for joão outside." you said, leaving the room, closing the door behind me.

it was 6:07 now, and joão still hadn't arrived. you tried calling him, but he didn't answer. without another choice, you waited until 6:40, but still no joão.

you ran to your room, wiping off your makeup, putting on sweat pants and a cropped tee, and putting your hair in a ponytail.

but, right after, you heard someone knock on your door.

"hey, why are you still here?" gio said with a frowny face.

"joão never came." you told her, your voice cracking at the mention of his name.

"i'm so sorry baby." gio told you, hugging you and rubbing your back.

"don't you and cris have to go to a meeting with the team's manager?" you asked her.

"yes, we're almost leaving." she replied.

you heard a knock, this time on the hotel room door, and not your bedroom's door.

"i'll go answer it, it'll take my mind off joão." you said, receiving a nod from gio.

i went to answer the door, and there stood joão,
he looked like he had just gotten up from bed.

"y/n, i'm so sorry. i took a nap around 4:00 and my phone died, so alarm didn't go off and i just woke up. i looked at the clock and it was way past 6:00 so i ran all the way here. i'm sorry i never meant to be this late i'll make it up too y-" joão explained, as i cut him off by wrapping him into a hug.

"hey, it's ok. things happen. it's not your fault, you're phone died, i get it." you said smiling.
"thanks. i still feel bad." joão replied.

"don't feel bad. hey i have an idea, we're both in sweats and look like we just woke up, let's just hangout here, instead of going out. we can watch movies, and order food. there's always time for a date later on." you explained.

"sounds great." joão said, kissing your forehead.

"that's so sweet oh my god." gio said, you assumed she'd been standing there since joão arrived.

"it's almost time for the meeting you guys should get going." you told cris and gio.
"yeah, we're leaving now, remember, be careful, see you later." cris said grabbing him car keys off the kitchen table .

"bye you two have fun!" gio said, closing the door.

"ok i'm hungry let's order something!" you told joão.

"alright, it's up to you, what do you want?." he replied.

after you chose a restaurant, you placed you order on doordash, and went to your room since you were gonna watch a movie together.

you sat on the bed patting the spot next to you, indicating for joão to sit there. he sat and put his arm around you.

"is this ok?" he asked politely, making sure you didn't feel uncomfortable.
you nodded your head.

"no no i need you to tell me, verbally."
"yes joão, it's ok." you said making yourself comfortable on the bed.

"let's watch a disney movie!!" you told him.
"whatever you want, love." joão said.
"love?" you asked him, referring to the nickname.
"i can't call you love?" he replied.

"not unless you love me, it might be a little early for that don't you think?" you said.
"not at all." he responded, with a wipe of pride on his face.
"hmm ok." you said, agreeing.

everlasting. | j. félixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن