Pushing open a room she lets me in. My lips quiver as I stand still looking around. A few nurses are blocking my view of the bed but everything else is enough for me. So many machines and monitors. Turning away they give me a sympathetic smile.

Ears ringing I stare at my little boy. So many different things connected to his tiny body as he lays in a huge bed with barriers on each side so he doesn't roll off maybe?

Dragging my body towards that bed I collapse down into the chair. My heart beats so hard against my chest. Fuck-I'm close to going into cardiac arrest. My tears fill with tears.

He looks so fragile- broken perhaps. I watch as his little chest moves up and down as he peacefully sleeps. Seeing that is a lullaby to my eyes. Soft snores fill the room. Hesitating I bring a finger to his cheek. Swiping down to remove the tear stains.

"He seems to be doing well thankfully" I look over my shoulder seeing the nurse who greeted me at the waiting stood there. "Thank you" I whisper cracking a smile. "Oh don't thank me baby, I'm doing my job" She smiles back leaving his clipboard by the door. "Ring that bell if you need something" She calls back popping her head around the door, pointing to a cord by his bed.


I jump awake staring at the clock ahead of me. 7:30pm. Fuck- My eyes snap to my left hearing Santiago's cries as he tosses in his sleep. "Hey baby" I whisper as my hand glides through his hair as he slowly wakes up. Balling his fists he rubs them in his eyes before yawning. Dropping them he mumbles words I don't grasp at me.

Reaching for me I stand up, gently taking him in my arms fixing the wires. Cradling him in my arms I feel some weight being lifted off my shoulders. "Mama" he mumbles rubbing his face into my side. "Hi baby" I whisper smoothing out his wild hair.

He peeps up looking around in wonder. "Where meow meow" He mumbles. I- Where is meow meow.. "Home" I lie as he frowns before nodding. "Kay" He whispers once more. Damn I need to ask Mateo where that cat is. Pretty sure he said his place but god knows I can't remember shit.

"Dada" He calls out randomly looking at the door. My eyes widen staring at him. "Santi-" I cover his mouth gently with my hand as he screams for Nicholas again.

"Dada is resting okay" I hate myself for lying. It's hard but he simply wouldn't get it. I hold my breathe as he stares at me. It's like he can read those lies through me. Huffing he relaxes in my arms again. Leaving me to breathe again.

"Later I promise" I can hear my thoughts slap a hand against their face as I lie once more. Why do I do this..

I jump as the door flies open. Mateo and Diego push through panting as if they ran for their lives. "Fu-Hold on" Diego holds out his hand before dropping it to his knee. "Nicholas is done they won't tell us anything yet" He bites out pushing himself up.

"What? They won't say anything?" I frown staring up at them both. "Sadly, you go Ill mind this little monster" Mateo smiles tickling Santiago's side making his giggle. Sweeping him into his own arms I follow Diego out.

"I don't know what we can do" He mumbles as he make our way to the elevator. Why are hospitals so fucking stubborn. I lean against the railing staring at myself in the mirror.

My eyes drop down to the rings on my finger. Smirking to myself I glide a ring from my right placing it in my left. "Diego I'm your sister in law now" I smirk turning to look at him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now