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35 ————  red

35 ————  red

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"THAT SONG MADE YOU QUITE EMOTIONAL, HUH?" damian though aloud, looking over at sebastian who was packing up the keyboard.

"i don't know, i guess so." the noirette shrugged, focusing on his task. damian wanted to ask further but decided not to and closed his guitar case.

"hey, sebastian." the sound of ian's voice made the noirette look up, still surprised that the red head's even in l.a.

"go back to chicago, ian. i don't want you here" sebastian told him, shaking his head as he grabbed his guitar case. ian still frowned when sebastian didn't call him red, the noirette's called him red ever since they met and his name sounded weird coming from sebastian.

"can't. my flight isn't for a few days." ian shrugged, making sebastian sigh and look at him.

"yeah? get a new one for tonight. or even tomorrow morning." sebastian suggested with a small scoff. ian opened his mouth to say something but just shook his head and turned to walk away.

"did you tell anyone i'm here?" sebastian asked the red head before he could leave.

ian looked back at him and shook his head. "no." the red head reassured.

"not v?" sebastian gestured to where veronica was sat at the bar with ruby.

"no. she would've found out whether i came  with  or not." ian shrugged, turning to go back to veronica. sebastian just let out a deep sigh as he watched ian walk back over to veronica and ruby. he shook his head and continued to pack up his the instruments.

"what happened between you and sebastian?" ruby asked the red head after he sat in the barstool next to veronica. ian had an uncomfortable look in his eyes at the question and veronica cleared her throat.

"you don't have to answer that. and don't ask that." veronica scolded her younger cousin.

"i'll ask what i wanna fuckin' ask. his choice if he doesn't wanna answer." ruby shot back with a small amused smile.

"you know what?" ian sighed, getting the two women to look over at him. "i'm not even sure. sebastian left, didn't tell me where he was going and broke up with me." ian concluded. ruby and veronica shared an awkward glance before looking at ian again, not really sure how to respond.

"you do something to him or...?" ruby wondered with furrowed brows.

"i don't think i did. said i wasn't good for him." the red head shrugged.

APOCALYPSE  ⇢ IAN GALLAGHER (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now