This was when something snapped inside of Yves and got into an argument with Beatrice.

"I don't get why your acting like such a bitch. I have done nothing to you." - Yves

"Yves, calm down. Let's talk about this." - Indiana

"No, don't tell me to calm down. Control your friend or something." - Yves

"What did you just say to me?" - Beatrice

"Beatrice, are your friends not allowed to have other friends or talk to anyone new?" - Yves

"You were the one that—" - Beatrice

Yves didn't let her finish and cut her off.

"Are you that self-centered that you think everyone wants to use you for popularity?" - Yves

"That's enough. Stop fighting, both of you." - Kol

Beatrice looks at Yves in disbelief before storming out of the room. Violet told all the guys to get out because they were going to have a talk only between them. They all sat on the floor together. Yves refused to sit and talk with them but eventually goes. She was upset and the girls could obviously tell. Indiana told Hayley to go get Beatrice and bring her back to the room. Hayley had to keep begging Beatrice to come back to the room and finally, she gives in. The two girls, Yves and Beatrice, were now back in the same room.

"Is it just me or is it like, suddenly really hot in here?" - Hayley

"Be quiet, Hayley, this is serious." - Violet

"Oh, uh okay. This is really weird." - Hayley

"You two need to get along." - Indiana

"Why should I?" - Beatrice

"I tried being nice to her, but she's always acting like a wild animal." - Yves

"Excuse me?!" - Beatrice

"Yves, stop making unnecessary comments." - Indiana

"As if Beatrice doesn't do that every time she sees me." - Yves

She had enough. Yves didn't want to continue this conversation anymore. She asked Indiana if someone could drive her back to her dormitory. Indiana called Dion over and asked if he could drive her back. Dion agreed, saying it's no big deal. He went to start the car, and Yves got her things. She got into the car, and he started driving. For most of the ride, they didn't talk to each other. It was just dead silence. They would take small glances at each other, but other than that, there was silence. Dion stopped at a red light and finally broke the silence. He asked Yves what happened between her and Beatrice. Yves didn't answer; she didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"The silence treatment, okay, I get it." - Dion

Yves started feeling really sweaty. The red light was taking longer than usual. She felt like she was forced to tell him how she felt or what had happened, as Dion was staring right at her. After a while, she finally talked.

"Ever since I became friends with Violet, Indiana, and Hayley, Beatrice's been super mean to me." - Yves

"How has she been mean to you?" - Dion

"She's just always making assumptions about me, like that I use her and her friends for popularity and money. She even accused me of stealing things with no proof!" - Yves

"Beatrice is not really good at interacting with other people." - Dion

"Well, that isn't an excuse for her to treat me like garbage." - Yves

"Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry about Beatrice. I don't even know why she's acting like that. That's very unusual." - Dion

"Why are you apologizing for her?" - Yves

"I don't really know. Are you willing to give her another chance?" - Dion

"I'm done giving her chances." - Yves

Dion arrived at the school and dropped Yves off. Yves gets out and goes to her dormitory room. She realized she didn't want to get involved in this, so she went to the principal's office to see if he was there. She knocks on his door, but then realizes she saw him leave earlier. She left and decided to come back tomorrow, but then the door opened and Principal Crawford told Yves to come in. Yves asked him if she could change dorms.

"May I ask why you want to change your dorm?" - Principal Crawford

"It's something personal." - Yves

"Understood. You should start packing now. Here's your new dorm keys and your dorm # is 232." - Principal Crawford

"Thank you so much for understanding!" - Yves

Yves took her keys and went back to her dorm room. When she arrived back home, the girls were already back from Indiana's house. She ignored them and got her suitcase out. Yves grabbed her clothes and shoved them in the suitcase.

"Wait, where are you going? Why are you packing?" - Violet

"I'm changing dorms." - Yves

"You can't do that!" - Hayley

"Oh yes, I can; I already asked the principal." - Yves

"Is it because of Beatrice...?" - Hayley

"What do you think?" - Yves

"Please don't leave!" - Violet

"I've made up my mind." - Yves

She finished packing pretty quickly and left the dorm. Yves went looking for her new dorm and finally found it. When she entered, the first face she saw was Indiana's. Oh, just great, as if her day couldn't get any worse.

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