Holding my Breath on Hope

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I'm holding my breath on hope
I hope this time when I call you won't think the reason I'm calling is stupid.
I'm holding my breath on hope
I hope this time when I call you are interested in what I have to say
I'm holding my breath on hope.
I hope this time you say I love you first and not mumble love you too when we hang up
I'm holding my breath on hope.
I called you today because I was hurt. I don't know why, I don't know what I really was expecting
I guess I was holding my breath for hope that you showed you somehow cared. I guess I do it to myself though, I'm the one holding my breath of hope and eventually I'll pass out because the hope of the compassion, acceptance, unconditional love I want so desperately from you, will never come.
But I want to hold my breath for that hope. I see how you treat my 1/2 siblings and I know you have it in you so I hold my breath of hope that one day, I'll be accepted in your eyes, even if that day never does come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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