Don't Hold My Hand Just To Let Go!

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I wrote this poem a little while ago. When you have so many people come and go from your life, it gets frustrating when they seem to want to be there for all the good times but then seem to be no where to be found when things aren't going well. I now have a person that I know will hold my hand through everything and I'm so thankful!

Don’t Hold My Hand Just To Let Go

If you want to hold my hand during the good times and let go when things are shaky, don’t hold my hand

If you want to hold my hand during the fun times and let go when times get rough, don’t hold my hand

If you want to hold my hand during the sunshine, and let go when there is darkness, don’t don’t my hand

Don’t hold my hand just to let go. Don’t be there during the good times and forget me during the rough times. Don’t tell me you love me and then abandon me when things get tough. Don’t hold my hand just to let go. 

If you want to hold my hand during laughter, and let go during tears, don’t hold my hand

If you want to hold my hand during calm and peace, but let go during storms, don’t hold my hand

Don’t hold my hand just to let go. Don’t be there one day and be gone the next. Don’t tell me one thing and do the complete opposite. Don’t hold my hand just to let go.

Don’t hold my hand just to let go!

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