You grab Namjoon's hand and drag him over near Yoongi. Lowering yourself to the ground, you lay in Yoongi's arms and hold Namjoon in your own.

Yoongi rests one arm firmly around your waist as the other hand caresses your hair. A warm feeling erupts in your chest at his touch.

Draping a leg over Namjoon's hip, you pull his back to your chest. He's like a muscular pillow for you to hold and snuggle with.

Finally comfortable, you allow yourself to drift off into the most restful sleep of your life.
Slowly, you drift into consciousness, murmurs filling your ears. Your eyes peel open to reveal a brightness like never before. Inhaling deeply, you smell an attractive cologne. You still feel a tight grip on your waist and you assume that Yoongi is still holding on to you.

As your eyes take in your surroundings, you see a bunch of your soulmates watching you closely, some with their phones out. As they get caught, they put their phones away and giggle. Upon the group is a messy-haired Yoongi, confusing you.

Scrunching your eyebrows, you turn your head over to see whose arms are wrapped around you. A light snore comes from Taehyung's still, sleeping body. A smile places itself on your lips as you try and roll over to face him.

Being successful, you drape a leg over his hips to get more comfortable. A pleasant hum comes from him. You begin to wonder when the switch of spoons was made.

Starting with his cheek, you plant happy kisses on his face. This reminds you of how you woke Yoongi up earlier. Maybe this will become a typical thing.

He doesn't wake up in response, so you move to kiss his neck too. Still no response. You begin to make loud kissy noises in his face. No response. You sigh loudly and press your lips against his own.

In an instant, he lifts his head to return the kiss, moving his hands up to your cheeks. Scoffing at his antics, you pull away from him. He tightens his arms and legs around you, not letting you go.

Now, he plants kisses all over your face, moving your hair out of his way. Your cheeks heat up at his gesture, and you try to wiggle out of his hold.

"Don't squirm like that or else you won't be allowed to leave." He threatens you, his husky morning voice piercing through your ears. Your face becomes stained a darker red at his implication. Immediately, you stop moving.

For the last time, he pulls you in for a passionate and sweet kiss, something you don't receive from him terribly often. You return the gesture with the same amount of emotion, not wanting to pull away.

"Alright, alright. Get up you two." Seokjin scolds you. Groaning, Taehyung releases you from his grip and stretches his legs. As you get up, you steal one last quick kiss.

You leave him on the floor and make your way to the kitchen, hunger now dominating your thoughts. A happy face grabs your attention. You smile at Seokjin and wrap your arms around his waist, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"Did you make food, Jin?" You ask him cutely. He chuckles at you and nods his head, pulling you into the dining room.

Surprise takes over your face as you see all of the food on plates on the floor. Your soulmates are also sitting on the floor, a light conversation dancing around. You take a seat next to Jimin who grabs your hand subconsciously. You rub your thumb over his fingers and reach for a plate after sincerely thanking Seokjin.

A sleepy Taehyung stumbles in to the spot next to you, a large yawn escaping his mouth. You laugh at him and place a plate in front of him. You begin to pile food onto each of your plates, giving him what you know he likes.

As everyone is finished eating, you let go of Jimin's hand and stand up. You make your way around the boys and grab everyone's plates and silverware.

Namjoon follows you into the kitchen while the rest of the guys stay at the table.

Carefully, you place all of the dishes into the sink. Namjoon rummages through some boxes to find the dish soap and a wash cloth he had brought from his old house.

The sink, now filled with suds, becomes dirtier with every dish. Namjoon is next to you, drying everything that you hand to him. He's not sure where to put the dishes yet, so he just leaves them on the counter in neat piles.

"Do you want to go to the store with me?" You ask him suddenly. He turns to face you after drying the final dish.

"I wish I could, but I've got to go to a study session today. What are you getting?" He asks.

"I want to get curtains, first of all. For some reason, I felt weird last night with the windows being open. I also want to look at some furniture." You tell him, quickly mentioning your discomfort.

He nods. "I felt a little weird too, honestly. I think it's just because it's unfamiliar." He shrugs. You nod, trying to shake the feeling. You both walk into the now crowded living room.

"Who wants to go shopping with me?" You ask your group of soulmates. Three hands shoot into the air.


"No I want to go!"

"We can all go, duh. Get ready and we can go." You tell them. The volunteers include: Jungkook, Jimin, and Seokjin.

Hurriedly, they head into their own rooms and grab their clothing to change in to. Slowly, you climb up the stairs into your room. A perky Jimin is changing his shirt.

"You should wear my clothes today." He suggests, wiggling his eyebrows. A smirk crawls onto your face, but you quickly replace it with an innocent look when he turns to look at you.

"Are you sure I shouldn't wear something like this?" You ask, holding up a scandalous outfit. His jaw drops as he stares at the outfit.

"O-or you can wear that, too." He stumbles over his words. You laugh at his expression and put the outfit away. He watches you closely as you find a better, more comfortable outfit.

You pick out black, loose jeans, a yellow crop top, and a brown, heavy flannel. A cute outfit for a cute person.

Heading to the bathroom, you drape the clothes over your shoulder.

After changing, you head back downstairs, waiting for everyone to be ready. It seems like you're faster than half of your soulmates.

Finally, they make their way downstairs, Seokjin swinging his keys in his hands. Bidding farewell, you exit the house with three of your soulmates. As you look outside, you see many people taking a walk.

"Where are we going?" Seokjin asks you.

"I want to go get curtains and other furniture. So, wherever the nearest furniture store is." You reply.

He nods, and you all get in the car.


AN: If you want a bonus chapter of the truth or dare game, let me know and I'll write it. I didn't think it was terribly important to the plot, so I skipped the details. It would pretty much be a light smut filler chapter (hence why it would be a bonus). Thanks!

Also my bad for the late update. I had a music festival to play in and it took literally all day. Like 7 AM to 7 Pm type stuff. I'm exhausted, goodnight.

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