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Jimin dressed especially nice before his sitting, usually he wore the same clothes for the sittings so he knew Jungkook would comment but he was dressing to impress a certain stubborn artist and had a perfect excuse as to why.
Jungkook paced back and forth, he hadn't slept well, Jimin had been on his mind. He saw the time was nearly here for Jimin to arrive so he sat and waited.
The doorbell rang and he answered it. His eyes nearly glazed over at the vision in front of him Jimin had a smart open necked shirt on and black trousers that fitted him perfectly, emphasising his ass.
"Why are you dressed like that?"
"Well after here I need to go to my interview and your only painting my hand aren't you?"
Jungkook huffed, his eyes skimmed over the others figure, the open neck of the shirt displayed his delicate collarbone an area Jungkook knew to be sensitive.
"Well...,ok go and sit down..."
Jimin walked over to the chair accidentally on purpose dropping his jacket he was carrying.
He bent over to retrieve it drawing Jungkooks eyes to his curvy ass. He let out a groan, Jimin smiled to himself then turned with a questioning look.
"Is something wrong?" He asked Jungkook
"Er..no...no just clearing my throat."
Jimin bit his lip to stop from laughing.
He sat down and Jungkook got on with the painting, after a while he stopped to stretch.
"That's it, it's finished," he sighed .
"Can I see?"
Jimin stood up and walked over staring at the picture.
"Wow! Your a really good artist, the whole picture screams of sadness, do I really look like that?"
"Not now, but you did, that's what caught my eye when I first saw you, it was pure raw emotion. The clinic it's going in want to express through art how bad times with your mental health can become good."
"Well I think it's amazing, I hope the second one turns out like that."
"What photo should I use come take a look."
He showed Jimin the photos he'd taken when his parents were there.
"I like this one," Jimin said pointing to one of him laughing at a comedy show sitting on the sofa hugging a cushion to him. He hadn't been able to stop giggling at the comedy show his giggles making everyone laugh as well. He sat feet tucked under himself cuddling the cushion his whole face beaming in pleasure.
"Mmm I like that too, the sun coming in the window behind you and the vest top showing your bare arms and a hint of your bare feet..., ok we will do that."
Jimin blushed," as you have the photo you don't need me?"
"I do ...,for size and layout, I'll bring my easel down here, can you come tomorrow ?"
"Maybe late morning if I'm going to the club tonight,"
"Oh...,right,with that Eunwoo guy..."
"Yes,he's quite charming..."
Jungkook snorted," we'll just be careful, he might want more..."
"Well maybe I will too," Jimin lied, he saw Jungkooks hands clench into fists," anyway I have to go now for my interview, see you tomorrow ..."
Jimin got up and left leaving an angry Jungkook behind.
"He's charming" Jungkook mimicked, damn what was Jimin thinking, that Eunwoo could try and have sex with him...
isn't that what you did? The little devil on his shoulder said ,
but I like him as well not just his body! The Angel on his other shoulder said.
Sure you do, he's just another fling to you.
But if you like him why didn't you tell him?
Cos you know you'll never settle down!
But what if someone else gets him?
The confusing voices went on until...
"Aaargh! That's it..., I don't do permanent , I'll go to the club and take someone else!"
He rang an old girlfriend satisfied when he'd arranged to pick her up later. That's it he thought things would get back to normal.
Jimin was happy, he'd got a fill in job as a nurse at a doctors, he'd start in two days.he brought his uniform home and ironed it ready. It would not be as busy as a hospital but he'd have plenty to do.
On his way back he'd treated himself to a haircut, a black shirt and tight black jeans, it was about time he started taking care of his appearance.
Eunwoo picked him up and they drove to the club.
"Jimin nice to see you and your friend,"
"Oh Tae this is Eunwoo, Tae is part owner of the club," he said in explanation.
"Nice to meet you sir..."
"Oh. Just call me Tae."
"Eunwoo made mums sign,"
"Your very good,"
"Thank you,"
"Oh, I didn't know Jungkook was coming..., and with her eugh!"
Jimin turned at Tae's words to see Jungkook strolling in with a girl clinging on his arm. All Jimins hopes disappeared at the sight,so Jungkook had already replaced him......
He turned to Eunwoo plastering a fake smile on his face," let's go to the bar."
The pair walked away, jungkook and the girl came up to Tae.
"Hey Tae,club looks busy,"
"Hi Jungkook.....,Lisa,"
Lisa looked at Tae in a condescending manner," oh..hi" she said in a bored tone.
"Still the little ray of sunshine I see," Tae sneered.
"Tae, can you help out at the bar...,oh hi Jungkook, oh and Lisa?" Hobi said.
"Yer, sure thing babe,"
Tae hurried off.
"There's a table over there if you want it?" Hobi said.
Lisa strode towards it leaving Jungkook to follow.
"Kook her? Really?" Hobi hissed.
Jungkook had forgotten how much his two friends disliked Lisa,actually he wasn't that keen either but he hadn't wanted to turn up at the club on his own and maybe Lisa's attitude had got better.....
Half an hour later and he was seriously regretting bringing her.She had a strident nature, mocking people she saw around her.
"Oh look Jungkook over there, that small guy totally can't see the guy he's with fancies him.it's so obvious yet the little guy just smiles at him like a friend,Hah wait til he gets taken home!"
Jungkook out of boredom looked over to find it was Jimin and Eunwoo she was talking about. Jimin looked sad about something, he looked up his eyes catching Jungkooks then looking at Lisa in her barely there dress. He looked down then grabbing Eunwoo pulled him on the dance floor. It was a slow tune and Jimins hands were on Eunwoo shoulders while the other looped his around Jimins waist .
Jungkook clenched his hands , no this wasn't right!
"Jungkook! Are you listening?"
Lisa looked annoyed," I asked for a drink !"
"Oh,er I'll go to the bar..."
He got up quickly as he saw Jimin and Eunwoo go to the bar .
"Er hi you two,"
Jimin jumped as Jungkooks hand landed on his shoulder.
"Oh you didn't say you were coming here?"
"Last miuute decision,"
"Jimin what do you want? Another beer?"
"Er No can I have brandy and coke?"
Eunwoo ordered then passed Jimin his drink he was drinking too.
"Did you get a taxi here?"
"No I drove ," Eunwoo said.
"I hope you don't intend to drive back?"
"It's just one drink it's fine..." Eunwoo stated surly, he didn't like having his fun curtailed and he had hi hopes of staying at Jimins.
Jimin didn't believe in drinking and driving either,
"Eunwoo he's right,"
"Jimin come on it's one beer?"
Eunwoo pulled jimin over to a table ignoring Jungkook.
Frowning Jungkook got a white wine for Lisa and water for himself, he made his way back to his table and sat down. He saw Jimin sip from his glass and Eunwoo gulp his down, Jimin then gestured and walked to the toilets. About to turn away Jungkook saw Eunwoo go to the bar and get another beer and what looked like a straight brandy, he got back to his table and tipped the brandy into Jimins glass putting the empty glass in a nearby table, he was sipping his beer when Jimin came back.
He smiled at Jimin raising his glass and Jimin lifted his taking a gulp and coughing.
Eunwoo patted his back leaving his hand there as Jimin raised the glass again and drank.
Jungkook was about to go and talk to Eunwoo when he felt a hand on his thigh.
"Jungkook your not paying me much attention ..."
"What...oh,er let's dance," he said as he watched Jimin finish his drink and pull Eunwoo to the dance floor.
Lisa stood up walking ahead swaying her hips to get Jungkooks attention unaware his eyes were only on the small male who seemed to be giggling and dancing in a provocative manner.
Jimin felt funny, surely a beer and one brandy wouldn't make him feel like this? He was unaware that Eunwoo had given him two doubles.
"Whoops,careful Jimin I better hold onto you," Eunwoo laughed while pulling Jimin close his hands dipping to his waist.
Jungkook felt his anger rise, he danced casually with Lisa very near to the other couple.
Jimin wasn't sure he liked Eunwoo 's hands on him it felt wrong but then he saw Jungkook dancing with Lisa so he put his hands on Eunwoo's chest.
Eunwoo bent down to Jimins ear," that's it, how about we go to your place and get comfy"
His hands squeezed Jimins ass.
Jimin definitely didn't feel comfortable now," er I think we should keep this as friendship."
"You don't mean that, I thought you wanted some fun?"
"I thought you wanted to be a friend?" Jimin said nervously trying to back away but Eunwoo showed his true colours gripping Jimins arm and pulling him to the exit.
"I don't think he wants to go with you," a harsh voice said behind them.
"Fuck off, this is none of your business," Eunwoo glared at Jungkook.
"Everything ok Jungkook?" Tae asked coming to them.
"This prick laced Jimins drink and is trying to force himself on him, let go of his arm!"
Eunwoo knew he wouldn't get Jimin out of there so shoved him hard towards the two.
Jungkook caught him and felt him shaking.
"It's ok he's gone,I'll take you home,"
"Jungkook!" A strident voice shouted.
He turned around to face an angry looking Lisa.
"Oh fuck!" He said earning a glare from her.
Jimin tried to step away but Jungkook kept his arm around him so instead he looked at the girl.
"I'm sorry miss he just stopped my fall, he will be right with you...."
"Jungkook leave him, he was ok you didn't need to interfere."
"You know Lisa I remember why I stopped seeing you, you have no redeeming qualities,Tae can you get her a taxi, I'm taking Jimin home."
Tae snorted and gleefully said," it will be my pleasure"
Jungkook walked out with Jimin who still tried to tug himself free," you should look after your girlfriend I can get a taxi home!"
"Your friend slipped a double brandy into your glass which I presume was also a double, that and your beer make it unsafe for you to go home alone!"
"D-doubles, I thought I felt a bit peculiar ...."
He allowed Jungkook to put him in his car, he was such a bad judge of character he thought, Eunwoo had seemed nice, or had he led him on?
Jungkook was driving but could see the nervous twisting of Jimins hands.
"What's wrong?"
"Erm nothing,"
"Don't lie, you do that hand thing when your worried,"
Jimin was surprised Jungkook had noticed.
"Did I lead him on, is that why he was like that?"
"Honestly..., I think he planned it and any red blooded male would want to fuck you in that outfit, you look sexy,"
Jimin stayed silent he looked down at himself, all he thought now was he never wanted to wear this again.
Jungkook got to his drive and went straight past Jimins.
"Hey stop !"
Jungkook ignored him and drove to his house. Once there Jimin stumbled out and went to walk back down the drive but he was picked up and thrown over Jungkooks shoulder making him feel queasy.
Jungkook got inside locked the door and put Jimin down.
Jimin was about to say something then shoved a hand over his mouth and stumbled to the toilet. He brought everything up, groaning as he wretched.
He knew he'd be ok now as he'd been sick but some had got on his shirt and smelt awful. He flushed the toilet then stood up literally ripping the shirt off not realising Jungkook was standing there.
"Oh,er sorry, I've got to take this off it stinks I'll bin it."
"What the hell...."
Jungkook stepped close lifting Jimins arm to examine the bruise marks left by Eunwoo.
"I should have punched that bastard!!"
"It was my fault too..."
"No it wasn't..., do you still feel sick?"
"No I'm lucky , if I throw up I become stone cold sober, I usually drink a cup of tea to settle my stomach."
"Go in my room have a shower,I'll put a t shirt and sweats out for you and make some tea."
"I didn't want to be a bother and I'm sorry for spoiling your date, I'm sure you can make it up with her?"
"Except I don't want to, tonight was a mistake."
"Go wash up then come to the kitchen," he picked Jimins shirt up to throw away, he followed Jimin into his room to get the clean clothes out. Jimin shucked his trousers off but kept his boxers on.
"I'll throw these too,"
"You sure?"
"Yer, I was trying to be something I'm not."
"Jimin they are just clothes, which look great on you don't let that prick make you feel bad, I'll throw the shirt it's ripped but the trousers can go in the laundry, your ass looks great in them!"
Picking them up he left Jimin to it.
Jimin showered blushing as he thought of Jungkooks words..., Kookie thought he was sexy!

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