Setting things straight

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"Try this Kookie...," Jisoo said
"Don't call me that only one person can and it's not you!"
"Your so bad tempered today, see that Jimin has been bad for you."
Jungkook sighed can this day get any worse he thought.
"So Jungkook have you thought about what we said earlier?" His father asked.
Jungkook frowned thinking then," oh you weren't joking..., then No."
"We would be good together," Jisoo said leaning against him in what she thought was a flirtatious way.
Jungkook clenched his fists did this stupid bitch honestly think he'd marry her.
"Are you sure Jungkook?" His father asked.
"Leave him dear he's said no and that's it," his mother said, Jungkook smiled at her gratefully.
"He's confused that's all we can talk more when we get back," Jisoo said hurriedly her dream of being Mrs Jeon Mrs Jeon, fading before her eyes.
Jungkook snapped,
"for gods sake! I'm not interested in you!"
"Jungkook not in public!" His father said.
Jungkook asked for the bill his face angry. Once paid he escorted his mother out with his father and Jisoo following. The car ride was silent.
He pulled up at the house hoping Jimin was back.
Once inside Jisoo pretended to be upset.
"I'm so sorry Jungkook for making you mad, I just have always wanted to be your wife we have known each other so long...." She gave a delicate sniff.
"Maybe dear that's why Jungkook sees you as just a friend?" His mother said kindly.
Jisoo could do without his mothers help! She gave her a sad smile.
"So I'm never going to have you two as my family.." she said laying a hand on Mr Jeon seniors arm.
Jeon knew fake acting when he saw it, he rolled his eyes, unfortunately his father was a soft touch.
"Jungkook are you sure you aren't refusing too quickly?"
Thinking quickly he smirked and said," well dad, Jisoo should be aware I'd want a prenup, in the event of divorce she wouldn't get a penny and during the marriage I'd expect her to work as I'd only give a small allowance, I don't believe in something for nothing."
Jisoo looked shocked," but Jungkook I'd have to take care of your house and servants? I can't work...."
"As you can see I don't employ servants and you can clean the house in the evenings..."
"B-but your rich..., you can afford to pay people to clean..."
"But I don't need to I want to leave all my money to charities...," he lied enjoying the look of panic on her face.
Jisoo fumed she wasn't a cleaner she intended to live in luxury and if Jungkook wasn't going to provide it she knew plenty of others who could.
"Oh goodness me! I totally forgot, I'm supposed to be at a friends this weekend..., how did I get the dates mixed up!!"
Jungkook hid his smirk," really? That's a shame, do you want me to call a taxi?"
"You have to go?" Jungkooks mum said, seeing now what the girl was really like.
"Er yes, I'm sorry you understand right, let me get my bag,"
"Jungkook I will borrow your car to take Jisoo to the train station,"
"Ok dad if your sure?"
"Yes, I think it's best to see she goes, don't you?" He winked at his son, turning as Jisoo came back waving goodbye and hurrying out.
"My goodness, we believed her when she said you two were close, money hungry little mare!!"His mother said.
"Wow mum, you don't get angry often!"
"Well we have been made fools of! I'm sorry son, we shouldn't tell you what to do with your life."
"It's always good to have your input,"
"That Jimin...., he seems nice..."
"He is a nice person,"
"Is that all?"
"Mum you've tried marrying me off once today....."
"Sorry dear..., he looked ....sad..."
"He's been carrying his mothers death around with him, Jisoo isn't the first to call him names."
"Poor thing, when he's back we should all talk,"
"Yes mum, now make yourself at home....."
His mother smiled and put on the Tv , Jungkook went to check that Jimin wasn't in his room.
Knocking he got no answer so opened the door shocked to see the room bare.
He went into his room and saw Jimins note.
Fiancée ? Had he overheard something earlier? And he felt guilty? Damn he had to let him know that he'd got it wrong.....
"Mum I have to pop out for a while."
"But your dad has your car?"
"Er that's ok, see you later."
He rushed out the door and down the drive towards the gatehouse as his phone rang.
"Hey Jungkook, how did Jimin take the news?"
"News?what news he's out?"
"Oh is he still at the police station?"
"Namjoon what are you on about?"
"Didn't you read the email I sent?!? Jimins mother didn't kill them, the girlfriend was annoyed because her lover Jimins stepfather had finished with her, he'd had a change of heart was going to make up with the wife. The girlfriend paid someone to fix the mums car then rang her saying Jimin was in an accident. What she didn't expect was the lover to go in the car with his wife, she thought she could get him back. Because of the girls story the police assumed she'd killed him deliberately so didn't bother much with the car.After you said to look into it, the girlfriend heard someone was looking around, she knew the only connection was her accomplice and she tried to kill him but was caught by his brother,police came and the whole story came out, he had got a lesser sentence for giving details while the lover is looking at life."
"Damn, Namjoon he's gone on his own? What if reporters get hold of the story? You know they hang around looking for the latest gossip!"
"Shit, I thought you'd take him, but as you didn't see the email....."
"I'm going there...!"
Jungkook turned off the phone then stopped, shit no car!
As if in answer to his prayers Jungkooks father drove in stopping when he saw his son.
"Jungkook why are you here?"
"Can't explain now dad but I need the car.."
"Oh,ok here," he passed the keys getting a hug from his son before he drove off.
"Kids!" Muttered his father before walking up to the house.
Jimin was stunned, he'd sat and listened to what the detective had told him and listened to the apology he'd been given about the police department in Busan, missing vital evidence.
"I should have known my mother couldn't do that"
"Well now she can rest in peace and you can have your life back,"
"Thank you, thank you so much,"
"Actually it was a friend of yours who set the ball rolling..Namjoon?"
"He did?"
"Yes,said a Jeon Jungkook had asked him to look into it."
Jimin was surprised but then remembered Jungkook saying she might not have done it..., he really wanted to go and thank him but didn't want to annoy his fiancée anymore, so he would text him later.
"I'll get going then.."
"Careful there may be media around they always manage to get hold of newsworthy stories,"
"Oh I don't think it's that big a story," Jimin said smiling as he walked out.
Camera flashes and noisy questions greeted him as he stepped outside the building, he put his head down trying to break through..
"Mr Park, how does it feel your mother didn't do it!"
"Do you feel vindicated will you get your old job back"
"How does it feel not to be the son of a murderess, what about the guilty party?"
Jimin pulled his coat hood up trying to stop the photos, the media jostled him.
"Aaaah!" He held his hand which had been knocked roughly, he felt a wave of panic rush over him.
Suddenly strong arms wrapped themselves around him,
"Back off can't you see your hurting him!"
Jungkook walked Jimin through the crowd to his car settling Jimin in then getting in and driving off.
He glanced across at Jimin who was supporting his bad hand.
"Does it hurt should I take you to the hospital?"
"No!.....I mean no thank you, I don't want to be a nuisance and have reporters find me there."
"Ok, home it is then,"
Jungkook drove carefully so that Jimin didn't get too jostled. Driving in he drove straight past the gatehouse.
"Kookie stop! I moved out remember?"
"I didn't say you could and your hand is still bad."
"L-look your fiancée doesn't ..."
"I have no fiancée ."
"But I heard.."
"A lie, I'm not marrying her I have no wish to marry,"
"But your parents?"
"Have seen her for the gold digger she really is, hence why she has gone..."
"Oh..., but your parents won't want me there, I'll leave you all in peace ."
"My mother is eager to chat with you, they are kind people."
"Erm,ok I'll come in, I don't want to seem rude,"
Jungkook opened the door ushering Jimin in.
"Jungkook your back! Oh and Jimin we just saw the local news, we are so pleased for you, may your mothers soul rest in eternal peace."
"Th-thank you for your kindness..."
"Jungkook a small celebration is in order don't you think, where's your wine stash?"Jungkooks dad asked.
"Good idea,let's celebrate!"
Wine was opened and a glass was raised in Jimins mothers honour.
"To mum, your honour has been cleared, I'll love you always," Jimin said as tears rolled down his face.
"Eternal peace ," the other three said raising their glasses.

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