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Two days Jimin had been at Jungkooks. He found him to be laid back and flirtatious, they spent time in his studio, Jungkook sat Jimin on an armchair by a window Jimin was dressed in an oversized T shirt and shorts with bare feet an open book on his lap as he stared into the distance.
When he'd asked Jungkook how he should look he'd been told to think of something that made him sad , of course his mother came to mind and Jungkook had taken a photo on his phone to make sure it was the same each time.
He'd then drawn on a large canvas, totally engrossed in his work, he'd left Jimins bad hand unfinished to draw in once the splint was off.
Jimins mind wandered over everything that had happened in the past few months, his poor mother must have been so distraught and where had he been? He hadn't seen her unhappiness because he'd been caring for others..., what did that make him?
He realised a tear had rolled down his face and automatically brushed it away.
"Damn Jimin don't move! It's important you stay still I thought I made that clear!"
Jungkook looked up properly then noticed that Jimin was biting his lip hard as another tear rolled down, all of a sudden Jimin jumped up rushing out the door with a murmured,' sorry'.
He ignored Jungkooks shout, just needing to hide away, he nearly fell going downstairs but carried on running through the house nearly making it inside his room when two strong arms halted him pulling him back against a muscled body.
"Hey,hey calm down what's the matter?"
"I'm such a bad son, I didn't realise how upset she must have been....."
Jungkook turned him around holding him close rubbing his back.
"Your not a bad son, if you didn't see it, it is because she didn't want you too, she wanted you to be happy."
"I don't deserve to be happy,I wasn't enough for her to want to stay, nobody wants to stay,"
"Of course you deserve to be happy, your mum if she did that ...which quite honestly I find hard to believe, was not thinking straight she would never have deliberately hurt you."
He stared down into Jimins tearful eyes,seeing hope staring back at him.
"You think so? Our old neighbour said she would never do that but there's no other evidence."
"My lawyer knows certain people who can look into it, I'm not saying it will change things but it can give you closure."
"Really...?I don't know what to say!" He went on tip toes and kissed Jungkook then realising what he'd done he went to step away but Jungkook held him tight pressing their lips together.
Jimin felt strange tingles run through him as he was kissed passionately, he let out a moan pressing himself closer.
He didn't realise until his legs hit the bed that Jungkook had walked him backwards.
"Jimin let me make you feel good?"
Jimin hid his face in Jungkooks chest and mumbled.
"I don't think I'm good at that you'll be disappointed "
"No, I said let me make you feel good...., do you trust me?"
Jimin blushed then nodded, Jungkook raised Jimins t shirt pulling it over his head and throwing it to the side. He caressed where the fading bruise was then staring at Jimin he squatted pulling his shorts and boxers down in one go.,raising one foot at a time they were removed completely.
Jungkook stood up staring down at Jimin," your beautiful," he said picking him up and laying him on the bed.
His mouth claimed Jimins again his tongue going inside, Jimin felt his body heat up, tingling. Jungkooks mouth moved down his neck nipping then his collarbone, all the while one of his hands would caress Jimin. A gasp came from the smaller male as Jungkook rubbed one of his nipples into a tight bud, he hadn't known how much passion he'd feel his ex had never done this to him.
Jungkooks mouth then sucked on the raised bud and Jimin felt his arousal harden quickly.
"Shall I suck your beautiful dick?"
Jimin felt his heart beat faster, he was going to have his first blow job!
Jungkook stroked Jimins length loving the way he let out little panting breaths.
"I'm gonna make you come in my mouth, I want you to relax though cos I'm gonna finger fuck you too."
Jimin thought he would cum on the spot hearing Jungkooks words.
Jungkook spat on his fingers before rubbing them against Jimins puckered hole, then he took Jimin into his mouth the same time pressing a finger inside him.
Jimin felt bonbarded with pleasure and pain, the pain eased quickly whereas the pleasure built.
Jungkooks mouth sucked and licked teasing Jimins slit, one by one he added more fingers searching and finding Jimins pleasure spot.
"Ooooh......" Jimin moaned as these new sensations built up.
Jungkook was thrusting his fingers faster while lathing his tongue against Jimins length.
"Aaah....I....oh.god........." jimin felt something building inside,his head tipped back as the pleasure rose.
Jungkook could feel Jimin getting rigid and knew he was close so he did everything he could to make him cum.
His mouth sucked Jimins length one hand squeezed and pinched a nipple while his other hand pushed into his entrance.
"Aaaah Kookie,it's aaaaaaa!!!"
Jimin exploded emptying down Jungkooks throat ,who made sure to extract every bit of pleasure out of Jimin, who writhed in the new sensations.
Eventually Jimin was done ,satiated and limp with exhaustion, overwhelmed by what had just gone on.
Jungkook withdrew his fingers and mouth making Jimin whimper.
"Hush,it's ok relax,"
Jimins panting breaths calmed down but he didn't want to move.
Jungkook smiled down at him , then laying on his back he pulled Jimin over him.
"Is that how it should be?" Jimin asked
"Was it good for you?"
Jimin nodded
"Then yes that's how it should be,"
Jimin sighed, he loved the feeling, he snuggled in Jungkooks chest and before long his eyes had fluttered closed from tiredness.
Jungkooks hand rested on jimins ass gently squeezing it, next time he promised himself.
Once he was sure Jimin was asleep he slipped from the bed and covered him up, before going back to his studio and covering the canvas and tidying away.
He picked his phone up after seeing a message from Hobi and Tae...' what about a night at yours?'
He thought about it and rang them.
"Hey guys, how about tonight at mine?"
"Sure thing, we will pick up some fried chicken up on the way seven ok?"
"Sure get enough for Joonie and Jin and I'm sure Suga will come too."
He rang off then text the others so that they could come too......
Jimin woke up feeling amazing, he stretched then he remembered what had gone on, he looked down at his naked body, oh god he'd let his landlord give him a blow job!
His face was red from embarrassment, what would he think of him?
Then he remembered Jungkooks words of sex being natural, did that mean Jungkook would pass it off as an everyday occurrence? Jimin felt confused but knew he should get up and dressed,especially as he could hear voices.
He washed up staring at himself in the mirror, his lips looked a little plumper from kissing but otherwise there was nothing to show what he'd done, although what did he expect a neon sign coming from his head saying I had an amazing blowjob!!
He chuckled to himself, Park Jimin you are such a child!
Going into the bedroom he pulled out some black sweatpants clean boxers which he could pull on one handed then found a long sleeved black and white striped top which eventually he managed to get on, slipping his feet into sliders and roughly combing his hair he made his way out down the hall towards the voices hesitating, maybe Jungkook didn't want him there?
About to turn around and go back to his room he was stopped by a voice he knew.
"Hey Jimin, where you off to?"
He saw it was Jin speaking, he smiled at him,
"Hello, I'm sorry I didn't realise Jungkook was having friends around....,I'll leave you to it" he murmured.
"Jimin...,come in, meet all my friends,"
Jungkook walked up to the smaller male putting his arm across his shoulders and drawing him in.
"I believe you know Jin, Namjoon and Suga or Yoongi as we call him sometimes..., over here we have Tae and Hobi,
A chorus of hello's , were uttered and Jimin shyly nodded.
"Come sit down," Tae said patting the seat next to him.
Jimin looked at Jungkook who nodded.
"Aw you poor thing, does your hand hurt?" Hobi asked.
"I-it's fine it's nothing..."
"I'm sure it's not nothing Jungkook told us what you did, your a hero!" Tae said.
"Oh no! I just did what anyone would,"
"Cute and modest ," Tae said liking the small boy.
"Ok then who's for beer and fried chicken?" Jungkook asked, there was a mad scramble as the rest jumped up, Jimin watched in amazement as the group nudged and pushed each other to get the best bits, a sudden giggle had them all turning to see they it was Jimin,
"S-sorry but you look like a bunch of kids who are in a candy shop!" His giggle came again and they looked at each other then burst out laughing too,
"Here's to being unruly kids!" Tae yelled diving in and coming out with two plates of chicken, one he handed to Jimin," here you go! The best bits!"
The pair sat down together laughing...,Jungkook smiling as Tae let him sit where his hand wouldn't be jostled. It was the first time he'd seen a proper smile on Jimins face, he knew he'd made the right choice as his muse, Joy would be an even better picture.

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