My muse

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"I don't know Suga , I can't find the spark I need for this request..."
"What's wrong Kook? Nobody spark your interest from this lot?"
Jungkook stared at the folder of models for hire,
"No they just look fake..., none show real feelings and that's what the client wants, two paintings showing loneliness/sadness and the other joy."
The pair were sitting on a balcony in Jungkooks home,he had an office attached then his studio, downstairs was the normal part of the house, but the balcony caught the sun and was a nice place to sit and drink coffee.
Suga was his friend and accountant and had paid him a visit to bring him up to date on his investments.
"By the way, I got you a lodger in the gatehouse,"
"Really, did you check their credentials I don't want some fan harassing me"
"Yes, he seems a quiet type, he  just wanted somewhere small."
"Well ok , it's a waste having it empty and it's not too near."
"Yer, you probably won't even see him I expect he works he's paid a deposit and two months ahead,"
"We'll make sure it goes to the charities we discussed."
"I will do, did you get caterers for your party next week?"
"Yer,It's boring inviting people you don't normally mix with to a party."
"Well you could have held it elsewhere, "
"No because if it's here I decide when people will go, they just like to show off how much they can spend and as it's for the local hospital I'm sure I can put up with it, there's three paintings on offer."
"We will have to get together with the boys soon it's been a longtime since we let our hair down."
"Ok let's get this party out the way then I'll organise something ."
"Your on...., oh well better get going"
They walked downstairs and Jungkook saw him out, both looking up when a van pulled up at the gatehouse .
"Your lodgers arrived"
The van stopped and three men got out. A small one went  to the door unlocking it then came back to the van picking things up and taking them inside.
Jungkook said goodbye to Suga and went back inside not bothered about the lodger
Jimin was glad he didn't have much stuff it all fitted in Mr Wangs van.
Once emptied he made Mr Wang and his son something to eat and drink and paid him.
"No,no Jimin I did it as a favour , your mother was good to us bless her soul."
"But you drove a long way and you took me in when she..., when she passed."
"Jimin it's not right,that bastard stole all her savings except for what she put in your name, he killed her!"
"No, she killed herself......,but it was because of him, she felt so bad about it all when she found out,she thought he loved her, not her money."
"Well I'm glad she took him with her!"
"She was wrong to take another life I didn't want her money but she thought she'd let me down, she didn't need to drive the car off the road, we could have started out fresh together....."
"Ah Jimin..., your mother was a proud woman, people laughing at her behind her back...., that's how she found out, one of his whores bragged about it , the money he spent in her...."
"Well that's in the past, I'm making a new start, people can be cruel when they don't know the facts...."
Mr Wang nodded, he'd heard Jimin being called the murderesses son. Nobody cared that he'd lost his mother they just made things worse for him.
"Ok then Jimin we will be going it will be late when we get back, take care and stay in touch"
"Thank you both for your time....goodbye."
After they had gone Jimin placed his clothes in the cupboards, made his bed up, pushed his small sofa near the fireplace arranged his kitchenware and then sat on the sofa looking around.
He had been able to keep his bed the sofa a small bookcase  and a coffee table, along with some kitchen ware, everything else had been sold to pay for the huge debts his late stepfather had run up in his mothers name.
This little gatehouse was perfect for him the money his mother had hidden away in his name covered the deposit and two months upfront with enough left for another six months.
He'd applied for a job in a catering firm in the area and was due to start tomorrow. He hung up the shirt and trousers he was to wear.
He realised that he didn't have much in the way of food so he put his coat on and went out the town was twenty minutes away.
He brought some basic food then decided to go for a coffee before the walk home.
Jungkook grabbed his coat and car keys, he needed to take a break from looking at photographs, none of them were right and he was getting frustrated.
Getting in his car he drove to his favourite coffee haunt.
"Hey Jin, the usual please."
"Oh Kook nice to see you."
Jin was one of Jungkooks friends, his partner was Namjoon, another friend and Jungkooks lawyer.
"How's business?"
Jungkook nodded taking his coffee and sitting down at one of the tables and looked around.
There were couples and groups of friends and someone sitting on their own.
This person caught his eye, he was small in stature and he had a sad look on his face. That's it !thought Jungkook that's totally natural and he is so photogenic too he'd be ideal to paint! He stood up quickly turning and crashing into Jin spilling the hot coffee he had over his hand.
"Fuck Jin I'm sorry quickly run it under cold water,"
He hustled Jin to the sink running the cold water.
""Kook it's ok , it's a hazard of the job, can you go in that cupboard there's some burn cream"
Jungkook rushed to get the cream, coming back he saw it wasn't as bad as he first thought, just a slight red area.
Jin rubbed the cream on," what was your rush anyway?"
"My rush? Oh fuck....." he turned to where the male had been seated but all that was there was an empty cup.
"Damn it!"
"What is it Kook?"
"There was a man over there he looked so sad he would have been ideal for the project I'm supposed to do."
"Oh you mean the small dark haired guy?"
"Yes,yes that's the one do you know him?"
"No never seen him before...., he was very quiet the whole time he was here."
"Aaaargh! Why wasn't I more careful, now you got hurt and I lost him!!"
"There must be others you can use,"
"No I've looked at so many models photos, they all look fake, he was genuine you could feel the sadness and he looks like a work of art already, pale skin and rosy plump lips....."
"Wow you did check him out didn't you!"
"I want him as my muse....!"
"You sure that's all? It's been a while since we saw you with someone?"
"Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean there hasn't been any...."
"Oh I'm sure there has been but maybe try someone permanent instead of one nighters?"
"Jin...., where's the fun in that?"
"Aargh away with you, you playboy, I've got work to do!"
"You sure your hands ok? I can help out if you want?"
"Thanks but no thanks, any girl who comes in makes a play for you, you then flirt, no work gets done and I'm back to square one!"
"One time Jin, it was one time!"
"Yer and your groupies were so busy fawning over you they didn't buy coffee!!"
Jungkook had the grace to look guilty.
"Ok then I'm off,"
"Good luck finding your muse"^
"I'd better no one else will do now!"
He went out getting in his car and driving home, not seeing the small male  who had bent down to tie his shoelace before getting up and walking home.

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