"No that can't be. King Lavro said Ophilius met him and the queen," I argued.

"Well if they did then it was kept a secret."

"Look!" Palleas pointed up ahead. A line of soldiers stood blocking our way. We slowed our horses.

"Perhaps there is another way." Akyto turned his horse back towards the castle. "Or perhaps not."

Another line of soldiers approached us from behind.

"Seriously?" Teren growled.

They gathered closer.

"What now?" Palleas asked.

"We attack," I said. Palleas and Kelrith looked at me. If Beatra was here that is what she would say. What other choice did we have? This was a battle, we had to fight for our lives.

"You heard her, prepare for battle!" Teren yelled to us and some of the nearby fighting villagers.

"Teren." I gripped his waist tightly. He turned his head slightly so he could look into my eyes.

"If Abernan gets to me-"

"We are going to be fine, Emilea." He stopped me. "After all, Debynn and I trained you well. You have improved so much since then. You will continue to grow even stronger until you are Galasia's best fighter. Understood?" He was asking me to not do anything risky. How could I promise him that, when I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone that I care about, die? I was already failing at that. Both the King and my brother, gone in a blink of an eye.

Bargonaan dismounted, as did Kelrith.

Abernan's soldiers had somehow completely surrounded us. We had to escape before Abernan caught up.

"Teren is right. We are going to get through this. I promise you." Bargonaan smiled. His smile dropped as he collapsed down to a knee, his teeth clamped together.

"Bargonaan!" Kelrith yelled with eyes wide.

Two large arrows projected from Bargonaan's back.

The line of soldiers crept closer.

"We must fight now!" Akyto called loudly.

Akyto and Palleas charged the nearest row of soldiers. Their attacks were batted away like flies. The shields were too strong. How did this come to happen? How had Abernan trapped us so quickly?

"Keep trying!" Teren roared.

"Hey, feel free to give it a try yourself." Akyto spit.

Palleas swung back and forth. The soldiers wavered not. Instead one of them thrust their shield, throwing Palleas back several yards. He looked back at us.

"Nothing I do is working." Palleas shook his head.

Kelrith slowly helped Bargonaan up. A small pool of blood had formed under Bargonaan's feet.

"I guess it's my time to shine?" Bargonaan chuckled.

"You have been waiting for an opportunity like this haven't you?" Kelrith nudged him.

"Stand back."

We watched as Bargonaan approached the line. The soldiers looked up at him with a skeptical leer.

"But what about the arrows?" I pointed to sticks still clearly in his back.

"These things?" Bargonaan, though face bright red, ripped the arrows out. I winced at the thought.

With a mighty blow, he swept two of the soldiers off their feet.

"See, he is fine." Kelrith gestured.

Nearby soldiers tried to step up to close the breached line, but Bargonaan swung again. One by one they collapsed, unable to stop the resilient soldier that towered over them.

"Break their forces! Knock them down!" Palleas cheered with each attack.

I was speechless. This was the first time I had seen Bargonaan really fight. It was incredible.

"Unbelievable!" Teren exclaimed.

"That's my brother for you." Kelrith swung at a soldier who had gotten back up.

"Brother?" I didn't know they were related.

"Yeah, you didn't know that?" Palleas asked.

"No." I guess I never even asked. Besides, they looked nothing alike. Kelrith was skinny and wore spectacles, while Bargonaan was tall and had the largest muscles out of anyone I had ever seen, except KuRath. Even Trogan didn't compare to him.

"Stick close!" Bargonaan hollered over the roar of charging soldiers.

We moved forwards together, like a river. Bargonaan pushed the soldiers away just enough for the rest of us to land attacks.

"Look!" Palleas pointed to the edge of the city which was now in sight.

"Quickly! Back on the horses!" Kelrith directed.

"I will create a path!" Bargonaan pummeled a soldier to the ground.

"Continue to hold the line," a soldier shouted. He turned to the rest of the soldiers who were lying wounded and unconscious, scattered across the ground. Some of those who were still conscious made an effort to return. He looked back at Bargonaan and drew his sword. "Orders from the new King of galasia command you to cease fighting and surrender Emilea at once!"

"Or what?" Bargonaan challenged.

"Death." The soldier warned.

Bargonaan boomed with laughter.

"I think we will be fine."

"You've been warned." A smile snaked across the soldier's face.

Sharp pain sliced through my mind. My hands loosened on the reins. Suddenly I found myself walking towards Bargonaan, who stood over the last soldier. When had I dismounted the horse? What was going on? My hand grabbed my blade's hilt and I unsheathed it. What was I doing? This wasn't me!

"Emilea?" Teren called me.

"What are you doing?" Kelrith asked.

With a powerful jab, I plunged my sword deep within Bargonaan's side.

The Druid WielderWhere stories live. Discover now