Two Sides of the Same Coin

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CHAPTER 3: 2 Sides of the Same Coin

"So what did you see?" Raymin asks. It's the next morning & I told her the entire dream. She seemed concerned, but said that the dream could be hints about who did this to me.

"My crown with a coin around it," I explain while stirring milk into my cereal, "a trident, a spell book, the 3 Sacred Treasures, a dark setting with a large throne, my boots, and then a hand reaching out for me. It was purple & green, like Hades. It came so fast."

Raymin frowns, her brown eyes staring down at her table that resembled a tree trunk. Her fingers (whose nails are freaky long and need trimming) fiddle with one another, like she's trying to think.

"I can't decipher any of those," she shook her head, "Except the hand, of course, and the trident. That's common with Poseidon. But still, who knows? We need to look for hints, like, now. Are you about done eating?"

I nod, slurping on the last of my cereal milk & licking the bowl clean. Raymin's always a neat freak and hates us humans for mistreating what she always cares for— the Underliving & all above it.

"Good, because I'm teleporting you to where you can find useful weapons for yourself since Corinthia isn't here to provide any for you. The sword you were using wasn't the best for you, was it?" She asks, setting her glass of milk down. She's a vegetarian, meaning she doesn't eat meat, & that's because it "hurts her animals."

I shake my head sadly. Even though it was better than nothing and I could defend myself, the sword wasn't good for me. I fought like I normally would when I have a sword or blade, but my bows always split into two blades for close combat.

Oh yes, I should explain this— as a tactician, I used to only be able to use a tome or sword, but I now have access to tomes, swords (or blades, as others call it), staffs, bows, cannons, claws, clubs, arms, palms, & orbitars. But I'll explain more of that later.

"Well, off we go," Raymin startles me out of my thoughts.

Gold light shines around in all directions with multi-colored leaves swirling all around me. At first, it feels like I'm getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner, then the city comes into view. Just as Raymin said, the city has good defense. The wall is stone and there are guards in all directions.

"Try to talk you in," she suggests, "If they refuse to let you in, I'll get you there."

I nod. From other perspectives, some people (like Amaran) think I'm talking to myself when I'm really talking to other gods or goddesses. But wait a second! How is Raymin still able to communicate with me?!

"Camilla, you're still yourself... well, flightless, but you can still communicate with us via telepathy." Raymin has read my mind! "But now we gods need permission since you're more normal. I don't know why it's like that."

"So if I still have telepathy, why couldn't I communicate with Lady Corin?" I ask her. "I thought she'd at least give me contact since I've had it with her before..."

"She closed herself off. She cut contact because you were absent, & now she's INSANE! Now if anyone hears her, she'll think her mind is playing tricks on her," Raymin answers.

I must've had a future vision last night. I never would have believed Lady Corin would act that way! She always keeps her cool.

She's a wise, kind, and mature goddess, but now she, the goddess of order and princess of Marrin, has turned from order to chaos (Okay, not the goddess of chaos. That's Yune.), mature to immature, kind to cruel! And to know this was since I was missing, am I keeping her sane?

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