The Lightning Chariot

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It's been a few days after Hercules's visit, we (D.C. and I) has gotten sent to help fight the Risen in various towns. I did see Amaran again, who said that he found out that some gods that had disappeared before returned. I'm not sure what that meant, but I can find out soon.

Anyway, D.C. and I go into the main hall where Raymin often meets us every morning, and it is morning. As expected, here she is, waiting for us.

"I got a message from Hercules," she tells us, "He said that he encountered Poseidon trying to look into Corinthia's whereabouts. The two found out that they're both our allies, so they don't fight. But they also found out that Corinthia put a strong force field around her temple, and it's likely that she's staying there. Even the gods can't break it!"

Wow! We're in BIG trouble, then.

"But there is a way to destroy the barrier," adds Raymin, "Hercules told me about the Lightning Chariot, a super fast battle carriage that travels the galaxy, and is even pulled by two unicorns, Phos and Lux. Hecate said we could use it, but the chariot's master isn't in good terms with him OR Poseidon, so he asked me to send you two."

After breakfast, she transported us into a large, crystal-like tower high up in... SPACE.

"Who dares trespass on my domain?! Leave before you get hurt!" An unfamiliar male voice booms.

"Oh, hi! We don't mean to interrupt. We just want to borrow your Lightning—" I start.

"My Lightning Chariot?" the speaker finishes for me.

"Yes! So if—" I begin to exclaim, but he interrupts again.

"You rudely trespass on my domain, and now you demand to take my chariot?!" he bellows.

"I'm sorry," D.C. speaks up, "but who's saying this?"

"I have had many names in my life," the speaker answers, "but now I am called the Chariot Master. And I would like you to get off my—"

This time it's D.C. who interrupts him. "No can do, sir. We're trying to save the world and a goddess from her insanity, and we need your chariot to do so."

"You have a good point there," the Chariot Master tells her, "If you want the Lightning Chariot, you must prove your worth."

"How will we do that?" I ask him.

"Face me in person at the top of the tower!" he answers.

"Just go as far as you can," Raymin orders, "I'll try to set up a grind rail." That made me feel a lot better. Grind rails sure beat walking! They're kinda like a thin teleportation rail.

"Just so you two know," Hercules adds, "That tower's tall!"

"Hercules! You got our contact as you wanted!" D.C. gasps.

"And you know your way around here?" I wonder aloud.

"Yes. I've known the Chariot Master," he explains, sounding dismayed, "As for you, Camilla, I don't know my way around here, but I DO know that it's so tall! Too tall that as soon as I got up to the double-digits in the number of floors, I gave up!"

"Wait, you can use telepathy?" My jaw drops at the sound of D.C.'s question.

"I am aware of the arts. I used it on my fellow gods!" Hercules still sounds sad. "But you should get going! We don't have time to waste!"

He's right! D.C. and I start to proceed, but then Risen Knights come charging at us!

"What the heck?!" D.C. screams, using her Nosferatu (whose charged shots can restore HP— half the number of damage you deal is consumed. For example, if it deals 18 damage, 9 HP is restored. If the number of damage dealt is odd, the HP number like if 31 damage is dealt, 16 HP is still restored) to kill a Knight.

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