The Final Battle

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"The barrier didn't break?!" I almost cry.

"I tried, Camilla! I tried! And before I could try something else, Hades pinned Hercules down and destroyed the treasures! They're gone! I don't know what else to do, and I'm the smart one here!" D.C. sinks to her knees, slowly allowing herself to sit down, hugging her knees and burying her head in them. I sit next to her, still hidden in the corner behind a pillar.

"We might just stay like this forever, Cult, and keep these disguises since we can't be ourselves anymore," she mutters hopelessly.

The very fact that D.C.'s giving up makes me feel like I want to throw up. "We are not giving up! There has to be a way. There's got to!" I beg.

She looks up at me. "What else can we do?"

Thoughts begin running through my head. Thanostose had said Only one with true light can break it. Only one with true light... Lady Corin is of good light! And her staff, called the Falchetta, was a lightning blade in the human world!

"What if we brought Lady Corin? Thanostose said one with true light, so he was referring to a person!" I suggest.

We head over there, Lady Corin using two spears of light, but they just bounce off the cage to our boots! She gets through the barrier, but the spears have no effect at all!

Hades laughs from behind, "You're a fool, young goddess! You'll never open that! Pretty Princess Corinthia doesn't have anything to do with that cage!" But D.C. thinks I do. I charge at the cage, then my hands cling to the bars. Yes!!!

"NO!!!" Hades yells, cutting the vine I used to get up to the cage, which is on the ceiling. I plummet down, something metal hitting the floor. D.C. caught me.

"The cage is on the floor," she replies, getting me to the ground. I start running for it, and so does Hades, but Hercules intervenes with him.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! If you want the boots, you'll have to get through ME first!" Hercules points his book at Hades.

"Have you found it?!" I exclaim in awe.

"I saw it on the way here!" he smiles, floating and lands for a punch in the face before summoning a chain, throwing it at D.C., and using it to wrap Hades in the neck.

I finally reach the cage. It's silver, holding both my boots and D.C.'s boots, and it's wrapped in chains! I hope she's right and that I'M the worthy one. I grab my Crusader Blades and start picking at the locks.

"NO!!!" Hades screams again, pushing past Hercules. Rhianspark and Poseidon both zap him in the back.

"HURRY!!!" I hear Rhianspark yell.

Without hesitation, I strike the bars with my blades. The metal cracks. It's working! I think, rapidly hitting the bars. The metal keeps on cracking. I break all the bars in (I counted) 11 hits. Just the chains were left and my boots were starting to twitch.

I then hear Rhianspark scream in the distance. She's been pinned to a pillar and Hercules isn't doing so hot, either. I continue cutting the chains, but then Hades grabs me between his fingers!

"Let go of her, Hades!" Poseidon yells in the distance, hurtling a trident and pinning Hades's arm to the wall. He then drops me as Rhianspark breaks free. She catches me in midair, then throws me over to D.C., who's relying on the vines Raymin left for Hercules.

"Ready, Cark?" Hercules asks D.C.

"Only if Selene's ready," she answers, glancing at me once more. "Same as last time. Ready?"

I smile bravely and nod. "Ready!"

While the gods distract Hades, I dash over to my boots and continue breaking at the chains when I notice a lock that I quickly pick at. That was faster than having to break all the chains!

"SELENE, WATCH OUT!!" D.C. yells as someone grabs me again. GRIMA.

"Didn't see that coming, did you?!" he laughs, pulling me again from the cage. Out of nowhere, an arrow becomes summoned in my hand. An arrow made of wood & leaves. Raymin!

"SHOOT IT!!" she weakly shouts. She's pinned to a wall.

As fast as I can, while Grima keeps dragging me away from my boots, I combine my blades and pull the arrow back. It's cool how this bow works without strings. I try to aim as quick as possible while Grima's moving me. I take a deep breath, shut my eyes, and let go of the arrow. Metal breaks.

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