The Rewind Spring

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We five start to make our way to the garden entrance of the temple. Raymin's next to me and she asks, "So how do you feel about seeing Corinthia again?"

I just stare at her and swallow hard. "I'll admit, I'm so scared. This all looks like a haunted house. Who knows what level on the 'insane-o-meter' she's at?" I use air quotes for the insane-o-meter. That should be a thing. On cue, laughter echoes through the entrance. We creep slowly & quietly through the dark halls that light up with Hercules's staff's orb to give us help.

Once we reach Lady Corin, it creeps me out! Her long and wavy cyan hair is bed-headed and crinkled, with bits all over the floor, as if she just went to an awful barber. Her robes and dress are torn at the helms. It's like seeing her as a zombie, but without the unnatural skin.

My fearful expression isn't changing. How can this happen in six months?!

"Um... Corinthia?" Hercules whispers. She turns to face us, her neck cracking as she does. YIKES. This is an expression I'll never forget!

Her eyes are bloodshot! Her once sparkling hazel eyes are as dull and lifeless as her temple! Her irises are so small that her wicked smile is so forced and wide, showing her teeth (which haven't changed. They're as clean as ever). Her crown is smushed and crooked, as if it got mauled. And not only is the hem of her dress torn but it's clawed at everywhere as if Grima clawed it! That dress makes her look like a hag, almost like Cinderella in her torn dress. This is NOT Lady Corin!! Not the goddess of order that always loved me!!

"U-um, hi?" Raymin starts to quiver, "It's been a why-while, h-hasn't it?"

The laughing rises again. I shiver. It's just so cold and heartless now! Poseidon convinces her to come back, but she laughs again.

"Hahaha, who are you all? I don't know anymore! I only know that I lost dear Camilla! She's gone! Maybe she's—AHAHAHA—she's dead! That's all I know of her now! I don't know where she is, what she looked like, AHAHA!!!" she screams. I feel awful. This is my fault! I disappeared. I made her this way, but— wait. This is NOT my fault. I didn't MEAN to go! I wanted to get back to taking care of the Risen after Linbelle blasted Trigania into space. But who's the REAL cause of my absence?

Hercules and Poseidon describe me to the new Lady Corin while she watches with a combination of impatience, hilarity, and anger.

Then Raymin chimes in and adds, "She's forgiving. There were a lot of occasions where I could've never spoken to who I hurt. But she's still unique and understands. That's how you raised her to be. And that's not how you are. This isn't the real you!!"

Hearing that makes Lady Corin's facial expression change. She looks tired but alarmed. Her eyes turn back to their normal hazel selves. She then frowns and thrusts herself closer to Hercules, but before she can grab him, he uses his powers to hold her in place.

"WHERE IS SHE?! LET ME SPEAK TO HER!" she screams. I start to make a move, but D.C. grabs me by the shoulder. We try to reason with each other as Lady Corin continues to scream and demand me to show myself.

"SHUT UP!!" Raymin screams & we all stop. "I can't take this anymore! Can we find a cure for this insane goddess of so-called 'order?'"

"The Rewind Spring!" Poseidon & Hecate jinx. Everyone agrees on it and with that, the three gods walk out, Hercules using his magic to make Lady Corin follow him.

"Hey! Leave me alone! I'm not going anywhere! I'll just hurt you! Hahaha!! Leave me be!!" She yells.

"Camilla, Dark Camilla," Raymin calls us telepathically, "go to the Lightning Chariot! I'm sure you heard about what we'll do about this."

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