Epilogue and Acknowledgments

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It's been a year now and it's my 18th birthday! Having my home is strange and lonely, but it's close to Corin (losing the "Lady" part is something I've been used to now) and Raymin's temples. I have a garage for the Lightning Chariot next to my home, a floating island. I visit the goddesses every day now. There are still leftover monsters from the war in villages I visit, but that's what I have Amaran for!

I still see Hercules via telepathy, and I help him with his potions and spells. The only times I see Poseidon are when I help him on the coast with battles. That's about it. He's been talking to Corin more, which is amazing since I left her team.

Rhianspark is sometimes over at Raymin's, so we just chill and help each other out, I guess. As for D.C., she has her own home near mine. She's usually off fighting somewhere else, but we visit at ours, Corin's, or Raymin's places often. She's warmed up to having allies and is getting along with me so well.

The more I fly, the better my boots are. I guess these were made to work only by a god and Hades cursed it, or if relying on the Power of Flight didn't allow me to develop strength in my boots on my own. But that doesn't matter, because each day, I can fly higher, faster, and so even train.

Once I'm done getting ready for the day, I head to the town where I met Ellie and go through the town. There's a lot of cheering and thanking me for saving them. This remains to be my favorite town. I'm glad Raymin likes it here, too.

I stop at the house where I met Ellie. Corin told me it's here. It has to be!

A man with dark brown hair and brown eyes answers my knock and kneels.

"No, it's fine!" I chuckle.

"Oh, I must. Come in, come in! I see you have met my daughter, Ellie. My name's Samuel. Pleasure to meet you, Miss—"

"Just Camilla will do," I laugh, shaking his hand and stepping in. "Is Ellie here? I want to thank her. It's been a long overdue."

"I'll let you two talk." Samuel remains downstairs while I head upstairs and knock on the nearest door. Ellie answers. The widest smile I've seen on anyone's face appeared. She tugs me in her room while welcoming me with open arms.

"CAMILLA!!!" she yells, hugging me tightly.

"Hi, Ellie!" I laugh.

"You got your rocket boots back!" she points while we let go.

"Yeah, that's why I came. To thank you."

"To thank me?!" Ellie smiles even wider. Can that be possible?!

"If it wasn't for you, I would've had a harder time finding all that out and wouldn't notice my boots would've been gone since I don't look at my feet so often. And if you hadn't comforted me about my bare feet, I'd have had a panic attack, lose control over my breathing, and maybe die from a heart attack! But when I found you out with me, you comforted me! Nobody else at the time was that close to me, and you, somebody who didn't even know me at first, were a true friend! And for that, thank you, Ellie. I did say I'd keep you in mind, didn't I?" I explain. Ellie hugs me again, even tighter than before!

"I'm so glad you came to visit," she exclaims, sounding as if she's sniffling. Did I give her happy tears? I hug her back and we stay in that embrace for a while.

"Camilla!" Someone calls my name. It's Raymin. Ellie notices I'm listening.

"What is it?" I ask.

"There's an attack on the coast!" she tells me, "Poseidon and I are already here, but we need you! I know today's your visit, but Dark Camilla can't make it, and you're close to us! I'm sorry to cut your visit shor—WHOA!!"

I let go of Ellie, assure her about this, and fly out.

"Camilla, are you here yet?!" Raymin yells later. Goodness, she's impatient! Gotta help them! Bye!


Millions of thanks to:

My mom, dad, younger brother (Andrew)!

My therapists!

My teachers!

The workers at Nintendo for inspiring me to write this, most of all, Masahiro Sakurai!

SweggyLlamaQueen at Watt-pad! You also inspired me to do this! Nice work on Fallen Angel!

My clubs at Prairieville Middle School, mostly Write a Novel club for teaching me all this on the concepts of a novel!

All my friends at church, school, and the workers at Nickelodeon!

My fave YouTubers— Master of Hyrule, Two Sisters Toy Style, Chuggaconroy, Abdallah Smash 026, Zelda Universe, Zack Scott Games, and most of all, Omega Evolution!! (Spaced it out because of autocorrect)

Everyone at Dance Center!!


So I started this after I read SweggyLlamaQueen's "Fallen Angel, a Kid Icarus Fanfiction" https://my.w.tt/y3ra5jpxB8 Sweggy did a very good job on that! That deserves to be looked at by Sakurai, and if I meet you, I'd love love love LOVE your autograph!

I am a true Kid Icarus fanatic, but in 2037, when the next sequel comes out, please make it for the Switch! Lots of people want to!

The name Corinthia was copied from the Bible's books 1st and 2nd Corinthians.

The Hercules here is the God of Magic, but the olden-days Hercules is more like the God of Strength.

Yune was, in the Fire Emblem game series, the Goddess of Chaos, which inspired me to make the Yune here the chaos goddess, too!

The name "Trigania" comes from her wanting to swallow up (or "gain") the heavens, land, and seas, or a "tri-gainery," as she calls it, giving her that name. The "ia" after the Tri-gain in her name comes from her middle & last initials, her whole name being Trigania Isabella Anderson, but that's never revealed.

Poseidon comes from the old Greek sea god, who, unfortunately, was the brother of Hades. At least Hades and Poseidon aren't brothers.

Raymin's whole name is Raymin Arlana Calentine, but she tried to keep it a secret.

Camilla's husband is Cordelam, which means "twine," referencing his hobby of knitting.

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