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 "Please prepare for take off." NANNI's voice rang out from the speakers as Beckett sat next to me.

 "So is NANNI going to fly the plane? " I asked.

 "We would normally do it ourselves but we wanted to chat with you." Beckett replied.

Liam could also fly a plane but I normally just used Kaalki or flew with my own wings. I whispered for him to join her. Myles say down opposite me as the plane took off.

 "So, Miss Dupain-Cheng, tell me about yourself. " he said.

 I hesitated. "Don't worry, Ri, you can trust us." Beckett gave an assuring smile.

I took a deep breath, "When I was nine years old, I was adopted by Sabine Cheng, to impress her boyfriend Tom Dupain, who always wanted a kid. During the process, my name was changed to Marinette Cheng and later Marinette Dupain-Cheng, when they got married. I guess her plan worked. Tom was always kind to me, but Sabine was abusive and rude. And when I was thirteen, a girl called Lila joined my class. She kept lying, about how she knew all these celebrities, how she herself was one and helped them, and how I did such horrible things to her.  I didn't believe her, since it was very obvious that she was lying and because I had proof, but when I turned fourteen, she unleashed hell on me. She told so many lies. Everyone believed her except a few friends. But six of the seven people who believed me moved and I was left with only one, who dropped out of school. Sabine was very happy. It gave her an excuse to kick me out. Tom was so disappointed. He was the only one I really cares about and was sad that left. So, I've been living in a small studio apartment, living on my savings, some money my godparents and friends gave me, and the earnings that my online business has supplied." I sighed, looking back on it all, "Sometimes, when I can, I send some money to Tom. He was the only one who supported me in my times of need, except my friends. OH- I'M SO SORRY! I THOUGHT I STOPPED RAMBLING SO LONG AGO, BUT, I DON'T KNOW, I GUES I JUST COULDN'T HELP MYSELF-"

Myles interrupted me, thankfully, "Stop. The headache you are incurring is most dreadful."

I calmed down, "Now are you guys going to tell me why you guys agreed to this dorming system?"

 They looked around slightly embarrassed that I caught onto them.

 "What, you're going to let a stranger that's one year older than you stay in your house when you don't know their personality? That's called complete kindness, compassion, generosity and blind trust. Things that don't fully apply with Fowl values." I smirked and they sighed.

 "Well, to be honest, Miss Dupain-Cheng, our parents are going away for a year. Our assigned Butler, Juliette, has retired and is now a boxer. Since our mother cannot trust us, because of many occasions, to be alone for a few months until our brother Dr. Fowl returns from his six-year long space trip soon, she sighed us up for the competition."

 "What, so am I just going to be a babysitter?" I asked.

 "No, you will still be dorming with us and we will do a few intern kind of things. " Myles clarified.

 "Well that's good." I reclined in my seat before looking up to Myles, "Oh and Dr. Fowl. "

 "Yes, Miss Dupain-Cheng?"

 "You can stop calling me Miss Dupain-Cheng. It's not my real name and me and Beck are already on nickname basis. "

 "Very well then, Marinette. But I of course therefore expect you to call me Myles."

 "Dr. Fowl, or 'Myles', we both know that you would much more prefer to be addressed by your title. "

He widened his eyes in amused delight.

 "If you wish, Marinette. I have a feeling that we will get along quite nicely."

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