Chapter 16, "Goodbye to the me, to whom I once knew innocence."

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p.o.v . Rui

"Wait wait, so you're telling me that someone from either our group or Vivid Bad Squad is trying to ruin everyone's lives!?" Mizuki asked in a hurry, the look on her face filled with such confusion yet fear. It was agonizing for me to so much as look at one of my dearest friends with such pain on their face, with so much fear.

"Yeah.. that's what Emu managed to find so far.." I replied slightly holding back on relaying details, just in case.

"Well, I can give you this.. it's most likely not my group since we've all been together almost all the time lately so I seriously doubt it's any of us, Mafuyu's been staying with me lately so she can get things done without her mom being a pain in the Fuckin' ass." Mizuki said, rolling their eyes at the end of their statement causing me to chuckle slightly until I thought about my mother.

She's.. gone now, I live alone now basically but I've been keeping Tsukasa at my house... so he doesn't find out about Saki.

"Oh.. I'm sorry for bringing that up!" Mizuki said, realizing why I stopped laughing "I completely forgot.. I'm so sorry Rui!".

"Hey hey, it's alright Mizuki. I've.. made some peace I suppose." I said with a small smile, Mizuki remained frowning clearly feeling bad for their remark.

"But Saki.." Mizuki said frowning, "Has anyone told Tsukasa..?"

I shook my head, "No."

"I see.."

There was silence.

"Have you ever...-" Mizuki started but stopped, I just smiled and waited. Occasionally it takes Mizuki a while to figure out how to put things.

Ten minutes passed.

"Have you ever.. like.. um.." they stammered.

"You don't have to put it nicely." I said

"No.. it's not that.." Mizuki shook their head.

"Have you ever... killed someone...?" Mizuki asked looking at me.

My eyes widened only for a moment, before I shook my head and replied.

"I have not."

"I-I see.." Mizuki said.

"Have you?" I asked

Mizuki took a moment, and then nodded her head.

"Yeah.." they said

"It was... scary but also.. satisfying.." Mizuki said.

"Can you.. tell me about it?" I asked, they nod.

"It was 6 years ago, my step-father who was really abusive.. one day when he came home drunk and passed out on the floor while my mom was at work.. so I went to her room and grabbed a raincoat.."

'Then I grabbed a pair of silk gloves, duct tape, a pair of pink handcuffs.. barf... and then grabbed a sharp knife that my mom often used.. I even put her high heels on."

I tried to imagine the scene as Mizuki explained it from then on..

p.o.v. Rui's thought of the situation- in the pov of Mizuki- 12 years old

I grabbed the knife, I headed to my step father's passed out body and put the handcuffs on him, I then duct taped his mouth shut gently, at least 10 layers of duct tape.. I was breathing heavily, I then taped this legs together, 40 layers.. I then put the clothes I borrowed and put them on.

The knife had my moms prints on it.. so I knew she'd get taken away if I did this the way I was.. but I didn't care, not like my mother was the best person ever.

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