Chapter 15, "Engravings."

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"You already have an understanding of all that's going on don't you?" Emu asked

"You know that things will only get harsher soon, don't you?"

"You know that Saki wont be the last of things, that nothing in this world we are in is normal." She said

"I also presume you know that 2 people will make their return... Loid Otori and Akira."

"You already know a lot about Loid, but what about Akira? All we know is that Akira was there and watched Saki's jump, but what was the point of that?" 

"Was it relevant? The answer is not exactly.. but Akira is important."

"A former worker of my brother in fact, but my brother brought Akira to a lab.. Where they did experiments on him and made him a human weapon.. So much of our world, how much is inspired?"

"Why was Rui's mom so alike to Andes Komeji? Is that an inspiration to this writer of fate?"

"Who knows, makes me wonder if Rui's mother had a square head." She mused.

"Anyways, don't mind this [READER]! Oh, yeah I know about you guys haha!" She laughed

"I've known the whole time." She grinned pulling out a syringe.

"After all..."

"Who did you think was behind all this?" She asked smiling.

"Did you think it was Loid?"

"You're wrong."

"It's not Loid at all."

"Nor is it Akira."

"Its not me either."

"But it's someone in one of the bands." She said

"Not from Leo/Need or WXS."

"It may be someone who hasn't even been mentioned yet!"

"I'll rule off some more things for you."

"It's not a Virtual singer or anyone from MMJ."

"Anyways, I gotta log off, but I have a question."

"Would you guys wanna interact with the story in a discord server? If so please let us know in the comments!! Anyways, bye bye for now!!"

2 years ago..

[POV; Minori]

"Saki!! How are you feeling?!" I asked

"Huh? Oh, Minori! Hi! Im doing good, you?" Saki replied happily.

"That's good, I came to visit you in the hospital since I missed you." I said

"Aww, thank you!" Saki said smiling.



I sat at the side of Saki's bed, she's hardly alive..

Why... Why..?!

Tears rolled down my cheek, a doctor entered the room

"Ah., Minori." The doctor said.

"Im sorry, but I have to ask you to leave so I can perform an examination.." He said

I nod and leave the room, Haruka looks at me once I'm out.

"How is she..?" Shizuku asked.

I shook my head

"She hasn't waken up.." I said.

"Oh.." Airi said

"It's been a month now.. Tsukasa still doesn't know.." Honami said.

"He's been asking about her.. I've been using Saki's phone to tell him she's okay and just on a trip.." Ichika said.

"Yeah because if he finds out.." Shiho said

Silence filled the room.

"Yeah.." I said

"He'll do the same thing she did.." Shizuku said.

Shiho was resting her head on Shizuku's shoulder, despite never being very affectionate during these times the two were there for each other.

Nene ran in, panting.

"G-Guys.. Bad news.." Nene said

"What is it?.." I asked.

"Emu found out someone's causing all this.. someone from VBS or N@25.." Nene said

"At least probably.."

"Shit.." I muttered.

"We need a plan." Haruka said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"C'mon.." Nene said

We all got up and got ready to leave.

514 words

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