Chapter 14, "D@TA; 1NCRYPT3D"

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[1st person POV; Hatsune Miku]

I felt my "heart" sink momentarily, a pain in my chest and it was far from small.
Perhaps it's not a heart since I am merely a vocaloid.
I feel.. part of me missing, a source has broken.
A phone.
Cause of damage is being dropped from the rooftop of a 18 story building.

Tracking sequence initiated

Error, resetting.
Target found.

Search complete.

- Local Police Database
- Government of Japan Database
- Health Centre Database

Data Assessed.

Name; Saki Tenma
Sex; Female
DOB; 05/09/2020
Age; 18
Family Register;
Maruki Tenma (Father; Living), Ayuna Tenma (Mother; Living), Tsukasa Tenma (Brother; Living)
(A/N, this book takes place in 2038)

Searching connections...
Band: Wonderlands x Showtime
Band: Nightcord at 25:00
Band: More More Jump!
Music Group: Virtual Singers



Security footage found, open?


I watched the footage of the building, Saki Tenma has commit suicide.

It is no wonder my "heart" aches..

I stopped playing music, Ichika and the rest of the group stared at me, confused.

She did it 5 minutes ago, she might still be alive.

I sent an emergency ambulance request and sent the footage to the police.

"This is bad." I said, looking to Luka.

"What happened?" Luka asked, I shook my head.

"I'll send you the data now." I said, I made a replica of the folder and sent it to Luka.

"Oh dear.." Luka said, eyes widening,

"I will attempt a self repair to the phone to inspect the scene." She said, I nod.

"Good call."

Luka began work as she put her guitar away, Honami looked concerned, Honami is quite empathetic so I think she knows something happened.

"Um.. Miku can I speak with you?" Honami asked, I thought for a moment.. Should I be the one to tell them?

"Alright." I agreed, it wouldn't be good if I kept this from them.

I walked to another area of the room with Honami, who looked at my expression.

"Um.. Miku.." Honami started, but she froze up.

I motion for her to continue.

"Did.. something happen to Saki..?" Shit, she already has a feeling.

I nodded.

"What happened..?!" She asked in a panicked whisper.

"She.. jumped off the roof of a 18 story building.. chances of survival are really low, hut there's a chanc-" I didn't get to finish as I heard choked sobs. I took a step and I hugged Honami who was sobbing now.

That caught Ichika and Shiho's attention. They began walking over.

"Honami, what happened!?" Shiho asked.

Honami sobbed "Saki..Saki...."

"Saki...?" Ichika inquired.

"She jumped off a building!" Honami choked out.

"She... what....?" Shiho's eyes widened.

"Saki.. did what!?" Ichika asked in a panic.

"No, I don't believe that— we need to get back!" Ichika said

"Miku, I have a connection." Luka said.

"And?" I asked

"Shes alive." Luka said.

"Thank god.." Ichika started.

"—But she wont be long if the paramedics don't arrive soon." Luka finished.

"I.. Spoke way too soon." Ichika said.

"God dammit!" She punched a wall, tears falling down her cheek.

"We need out of the SEKAI.. Miku please.." Shiho said quietly.

I nodded and removed the three from SEKAI.

Luka opened a portal like thing.

"Cmon." She said.

I nod and entered, Luka followed afterwards.

We were at the scene, being projected from Saki's broken phone.

The paramedics still weren't here, sadly my touch doesn't work here.

Saki was a bloody mess, her spine is broken near the bottom, she must have hit a tree as she fell.... If she survives she wont be able to use her legs ever again...

No major injuries to the neck, but her head is injured and bleeding out, potential brain damage.

Her right arm is broken completely.. she landed on it.. she may never be able to use it again..

"This is bad.." Luka said

"Shes hardly breathing."

"I know." I said.

I seen the paramedics coming.

"They're here." I said

"Yeah." Luka said.

The paramedics arrived and rushed on scene.

"Shit.." One of them said, another one looked at us.

"Miku and Luka...?! Why are you here?" The paramedic asked

"Saki Tenma is our friend." Luka said

"Please help her.." I said

"Don't worry we will, our team is the best there is." The paramedic said as the rest of them rushed Saki to the ambulance.

The paramedic picked up the phone and powered it off causing us to vanish before they headed back to the Ambulance.

I hope Saki will live..


Chapter end.
Next chapter; "Engravings."

Ruikasa; A Tragedy Turned to LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora