Chapter 11, "The Tragedy strikes..."

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The header was placed here by my friend, so now its permanent.


Rui's fist went into a ball, trying to hold back his anger.

Emu knew who did it, and she didn't even say anything.

Did Nene know too? Did Tsukasa? Were they all hiding this from him?

Rui was holding back his anger towards his friends.

Emu atared at Rui, knowing that he was suspicious.

"He was dead Rui, I dont know what happened." Said Emu.

"You dont know that.." Rui said

"Rui please.. we didnt know.." Nene said.

"You could be lying.." Rui said, quieter then the previous.

"Rui.." Tsukasa reached out for Rui's hand, but Rui was too overwhelmed.

Rui didnt trust them.

Rui was afraid.

Rui wasn't going to be reasoned with.

"Its no use-" said Emu, shaking her head pitifully "-He won't trust us, none of us."

"Not even Tsukasa."

Tsukasa reluctantly pulled his hand away from Rui, Tsukasa could see the pain in Rui's eyes.

It hurt him too.

Seeing his boyfriend in that state, Tsukasa nodded gently.

"I'll just go outside for a bit.." Tsukasa said promptly before leaving the household.

Emu felt on edge, she knew something was wrong.

But it was too late, Tsukasa had already left.

>T S U K A S A
>T E N M A
>P O V

I walked outside, it was raining now.

Maybe I should go back inside..

No, I need to get something to help Rui.

I sighed, looking at my already soaked clothing.

I wasn't focused.

I should have been.

But I wasn't.

I felt a stining pain burst through my stomach, moving up towards the rest of my body.

I pressed my hand against my stomach, I lifted it and there was blood all over it.

There was a sharp blade, it was pierced through my stomach.

I tried to scream, but the person behind me covered my mouth as I fell to the ground.

Left alone.

In the cold rain.

Bleeding out.

And soon after, I knew death would come.

I recalled all the fun times I had with everyone.

I'm sorry..




"R-Rui.. forgive me..." the final words choked into a sob, as I drew my final breath.


379 words

Ruikasa; A Tragedy Turned to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now