Steve and Dora: The Understanding

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" Hi, Dora", Steve said.

" Hola"

" I don't understand you, my love"

" Hola, Steve"

" Ughhhhh"

" Hola"

" WHAT??????"


" What??????"


" Ok. I'm going to use google translator"

Steve typed the word, Hola.
Hello, Hola means Hello.

" Hola", said Steve.

" Hola"

" Hola"

" Te amo"

" What?"

" Te amo. Te gusto?"

" What??????"

" Te amo. Te gusto?"

" I'm going to use google translate, again."

Te amo means 'I love you' in Spanish. Te gusto means 'Do you like me?'

" Ohh. Te... amo", Steve said.

" Bueno"

" WHAT??????"

" I'll use google translate."

Bueno means 'good' in Spanish.

" Oh...Bueno?"

" Good...wanna go feed my friend Benny the cow?"

" You can speak English?"

" Well, of course, Silly Billy"

" My name is Steve"

" Oh, it's Billy, now. It's easier to remember, because you're so Silly", said Dora.

" please, call me Steve"

" Hola, Shi Di Fu"

" WHAT? Do you speak Chinese?"

" I speak Spanish"

"Then, how do you know how to say that?"

" I am smart"

" C' mon, how?"

" Can't I use google translate, too?", said Dora.


I don't speak Spanish! I used google translate for this Chapter? If you speak Spanish and I spelt something wrong, leave a comment at the sentence I spelt wrong. If you want Dora to continue to speak in Spanish, write a comment. I will look it up and write what it means, so you are not totally confused. Thanks! Vote! And Follow Me!😃😋😂😋😃

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