Ch.20~ New

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Solcia POV


I stared in shock along with everybody else, starring at the screen that I made appear. First the visions, now this! I put my hand in a fist, which closed the 'screen'. I stared in awe and confusion, while everybody else stared in confusion.

"I'm going to go and ... umm ... do something." I said, pointing towards the backyard. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I had to do something. As soon as I got up, a stack of about 50 books, in a 10 by 5 (5 books long, 10 books tall) with each book being HUGE, landed along the wall closest to me. My eyes widened, and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped a bit, but it was barely noticeable. I guy then appeared a few feet in front of me. He looked old, with a long white beard and medium white hair. He had a gold glow of light outlining him, similar to the one when I was researching vampires. He had a very fancy cane that looked kind of like a staff and I don't know why, but I felt like it had to do with magic.

"Hello. You are probably very confused, but I'll just give you the good news right away, you are a Magician!" He said, and he had the voice that he looked like belonged to him, yet it sounded like the youngest old voice I have ever heard and was full of energy. The energy was an act though.

"If it's so great, would you mind telling me what it means? I have a feeling it has to do with the books and that screen thing." I said. I would mention the visions, but I don't even know who this person is.

"Well, you might want to have a seat, this will take a while." I sat down when he said that and arched my eyebrow, signaling for him to continue.

"Well, I see that you know about vampires and a little bit of werewolves, no?" He asked me.

"How do you know that I know about werewolves?" I asked. I was 99% sure this was magic, but was it like wizards or witches? Or was there a fairytale I have never heard of?

"I will get into that. I'm going to assume that you know about witches and wizards. Well, you know how they say witches need spells and wizards need to have wands and spells, but they are both magic. A Magician is somebody who has the same magical abilities, if not more, but the difference is that it is all mental, making it much harder to expose. You have to concentrate very hard at first to make something happen. Later on, it becomes like a second nature and you can choose when you want to use your magic. Because it is all mental, you can think something and if you don't focus on not using your magic, then you can actually do it on accident and then people can figure out you have some type of powers. You have to keep your powers a secret, or people can use you for it or try to kill you. The Salem Witch Trials show a good example, if only there was real witches. These books that came is your first set of magic books. You will get another set automatically when you finish your first set. They kind of give it like a spell, but basically they tell you what abilities you can do and the books are sorted by difficulty. The first set of books will be the easiest and most common knowledge ones. Any questions?" He said. For some people that sounded like a lot, but that all made very good sense. It feels like I've known about it, but I haven't.

"So is that how you knew what 'mystical creatures' I know, you asked in your mind what creatures I knew and then you just knew?" I asked him.

"Yes." Was all he responded.

"So that means that other mystical creatures are real? Like Ghosts, Witches, Wizards, Mermaids, Angels, Fairies, Pixies, etc.?" I asked.

"No. The only ones that humans talk about that are real are vampires and werewolves, but even then humans have the completely wrong theories." He said matter-of-factly. I felt a strong feeling in my gut, the feeling that meant that he was lying or not telling me something. I didn't question him though, because maybe my gut was wrong. Did I have anymore questions?

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