Prexis stayed still for several seconds, which the soldiers behind him spent simply getting more nervous and sweating, before he reached for his back pocket and pulling out something.

"Well, Commander, this should explain everything and ease your worries," Prexis held his hand forward and it showed a small tube the same size as his palm. Darius looked curiously at the tube as it had no features except the shape itself.

Until he noticed the ticking.

Before Darius can react, the tube exploded in a flash of light and caused a large cloud of smoke, catching Darius and Farron off guard while causing Prexis to scream as it went off in his hand.

Darius coughed as he tried to blink away the spots in his vision. Battle-honed instinct took over and he immediately reached for his axe before slashing upwards. Feeling and hearing his weapon tearing through armour and flesh, Darius stepped back and tried to regain his sight.

After a few blinks, the spots vanished and Darius can see again. Looking around, he noticed one of the soldiers standing behind Prexis a few moments ago was laying dead on the ground in front of him, the wound from his axe on his chest. He saw the second soldier struggling as Farron held him by the throat, shaking his own head from the small explosion.

But Prexis was not there.

Suddenly, a large flare shot up somewhere from the docks. Specifically, one of the ships owned by Prexis. As soon as the flare was in the air, all the soldiers under Prexis' command dropped whatever they were doing and held up their weapons.

"Prexis was right," Darius cracked his neck as Farron snapped the soldier's own neck. "That DID explain everything," the Commander held his axe as the soldiers began turning towards him, captain Farron pulling out his chained stars.


Grey stared from the merchant area at the flare as it glowed in the air, wondering if the festival had already began. He wanted to find a quiet place to wait it out should that be the case, but that didn't appear necessary as he saw how the people around him were equally confused and were asking around.

"Alright! Everyone on the ground!" Grey turned and saw one of the Noxian soldiers that was carrying boxes earlier now held a weapon high and was pointing it at people with two other soldiers behind him.

"W-Wait, what's going-" an Ionian man tried to speak up but was punched in the face and sent to the ground by the Noxian soldier.

"I said on the ground!" He held his weapon to point at the fallen man's throat. "You two, keep an eye on the big guy in the back."

The two soldiers looked around, seeing no one fitting that description. "What big guy?"

The first soldier looked in confusion as he saw that the man in the pointy metal hat was no longer there. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind and the sound of flesh being torn along the sound of something dropping on the ground. Turning quickly, the soldier almost didn't have the chance to gasp as an armored hand grabbed his throat and raised him off the ground.

"The only reason you live is because I need answers," Grey stated as the bodies of the other two soldiers lay on the ground. Without heads. "So, I suggest you make use of that reason," he stated as his hold got tighter and the struggling soldier doubled his efforts.


Darius cut throw another soldier as he walked through the docks, looking for Prexis. Farron was not far behind, knocking soldiers away with his large size and attacking the rest with his chained stars.

A large soldier holding a spear came charging towards Darius. The Commander swung his axe, almost knocking the spear out of the hands of the soldier. Swinging back his weapon, Darius cut the soldier across the chest, causing him to take several steps back and hold his wound, but he immediately held his weapon with both hands again.

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